Year: 2018

State Roundup, November 1, 2018

UM President Wallace Loh, who announced retirement, reverses decision, fires Coach Durkin despite threat of firing by Board of Regents; Loh says he’ll still retire, but sets goal of reforming UM football program beforehand; Board of Regents’ James Brady comes under fire for pressuring Loh to keep Durkin; Maryland State Highway Administration says it’s ready for winter’s onslaught; 6th Congressional District candidate David Trone slams rival Amie Hoeber over stand on ending birth-right citizenship; as he seek re-election, Republican Gov. Hogan is seen a jocular everyman who tacks toward a middle path; and Sen. Gail Bates is seeking answers about a breach of security at Howard County Courthouse involving Register of Wills Byron Macfarlane.

Senator questions security breach at courthouse by Howard County Register of Wills

Senator questions security breach at courthouse by Howard County Register of Wills

State Sen. Gail Bates is asking for answers about a breach of security at Howard County  Courthouse involving Register of Wills Byron Macfarlane at the end of September. Howard County Sheriff’s Office deputies found a group of 15 to 20 in the courthouse with an access pass from Macfarlane, said Major Donald Knott, chief deputy. At the time the courthouse was closed and Macfarlane was not present.

NewsMatch opens with $3 million+ in matching grants for nonprofit newsrooms across U.S.

NewsMatch opens with $3 million+ in matching grants for nonprofit newsrooms across U.S.

NewsMatch, the largest grassroots fundraising campaign to support nonprofit news organizations, launches today (Thursday, Nov. 1) in newsrooms across the country and online at The campaign doubles donations to 155 nonprofit newsrooms in nearly every state across the country, starting today and running through Dec. 31, 2018, is participating for the third year in a row.

State Roundup, October 31, 2018

Following probes into football player’s death, UM regents side with Coach Durkin. President Loh to retire. Politicians outraged over decisions; following Pittsburgh synagogue murders, Maryland reviewing hate crime laws, how investigations are handled; joint legislative committee hearing looking into governor’s role in appointments comes away with few answers; Gov. Hogan defends canceling Baltimore’s planned Red Line; in Prince George’s, President Trump provides the momentum to vote; U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders offers push for Ben Jealous’ gubernatorial campaign; and in the races for Frederick County State House delegation, Sen. Michael Hough outspends all.

State Roundup, October 30, 2018

Reported anti-Jewish incidents jump 47% statewide in 2017; Baltimore County public schools have the highest number of bullying reports among large systems in Maryland; Gov. Larry Hogan sees his support rise among black Marylanders; early voting throughout the state is up 135% over 2014; with two state House seats open in District 32, seven candidates represent a diverse group; in Frederick County exec race, incumbent Jan Gardner outspends Kathy Afzali by $30,000; in Arundel, incumbent County Exec Steve Schuh almost spends $1 million in single period; and in Baltimore County exec race, new Al Redmer ad highlights close ties to Gov. Hogan.

State Roundup, October 29, 2018

Maryland and federal officials say they’re confident the state’s voting system is secured against cyber threats; Larry Hogan and Ben Jealous aren’t the only candidates running for governor. Who are the other two?; voting-day registration will be on the ballot; Hogan camp says it would not have sent out MDGOP mailer that paints opponents as angry mob; in last campaign finance filing before Election Day, Hogan out-raises, outspends Jealous; who are the two people challenging incumbent U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin?; changing demographics throws spotlight on Frederick County executive race; campaign of Montgomery exec Independent hopeful Nancy Floreen files complaint over excessive donation to Super PAC favoring Dem Marc Elrich; new plans for Ellicott City flood mitigation, restoration unveiled; and a federal probe into Arundel family agency pinpoints concerns about its ability to serve non-English speaking families.

State Roundup, October 26, 2018

An independent review of UM’s football program says it fostered culture of fear, intimidation but stops short of calling it “toxic;” meanwhile, lawmakers back school President Wallace Loh, saying he shouldn’t be scape-goated; state audit digs up same problems with Baltimore City schools administration, plus some new ones; first day of early voting attracts thousands; suspicious package at one poll delays voting; Democratic Governors Association finally launches pro-Ben Jealous commercial; and in Baltimore County executive race, Johnny Olzsewski and Al Redmer bring out heavy-hitters to greet early voters.

State Roundup, October 25, 2018

While the Chesapeake Bay is cleaner, there remains decades of work ahead; Maryland workers rally for increased wages, but Gov. Hogan’s office calls gathering “an unfortunate setback;” lobbyists who formed own firm respond to lawsuit; the Arundel County board of elections orders Democrats to stop ballot-like mailing; marijuana advocate files injury claim against U.S. Rep. Andy Harris following heated protest; Harris opponent Jesse Colvin turns campaign on its head; and 6th House District candidates in back to back debates..