thanks donors at happy hour thanks donors at happy hour

Gov. Larry Hogan serves wine to guests at the happy hour Wednesday night with Comptroller Peter Franchot assisting. photos by Glynis Kazanjian. honored over 100 News Match donors and their guests at a happy hour Wednesday night with Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot as guest bartenders. Treasurer Nancy Kopp was also scheduled behind the “Bar of Public Works” at Harry Browne’s on State Circle in Annapolis, but sent her regrets due to illness., the 8-year-old nonprofit news website on state government and politics, on Thursday received $28,000 grant from the Fund for Nonprofit News at the Miami Foundation that matched contributions of up to $1,000 from individuals between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 last year. The Knight Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and the Democracy Fund offered $3 million in News Match funds in support of nonprofit news to over 100 local, state and investigative news organizations across the U.S.

The donations support’s original reporting on state government and politics and its daily State Roundup of news from over 50 news sites and blogs. Its daily email newsletter goes to more than 8,500 people.

This was the third time the governor was the guest bartender and the second time for Franchot.

Here are lists of News Match Donors and Event Sponsors

Gold News Match Donors


Bill Collet

Kingdon Gould Jr.

Rifkin, Weiner, Livingston

Molly Lester

James and Phyllis Madachy

The Mikulis Family

Silver Donors

Tom McMillen

Maryland Association of Community Colleges

Maryland Business for Responsive Government

Claiborn M. Carr III

Michael and Joanne Davis



Paul Katula

Manis, Canning & Associates

Marc Seldin

Maryland Multi-Housing Association

Michael Collins

Donna Jefferson

Barry Glassman

Event Sponsors

Gary Mangum

Kelly & Associates Insurance Group/KELLY Payroll

Schwartz, Metz & Wise

Strategic Campaign Group

Bellamy Genn Group

Bronze News Match Donors

Rick Vatz

Nancy & Henry Yee

Stan Doore

Karen Hosler

Indpendent Insurance Agents of Maryland

Eleanor Carey

Dan Gainor

Anne Arundel County Association of Realtors

Marty and Julie Madden

Randy Marriner

Dan Medinger

Stephen and Sheila Sachs

Steve and Lee Sachs

Restaurant Association of Maryland

Jeff Troll

Chris West

Margaret Williams

Johnny Wood

Ann Ciekot

Cheryl Reilly

Barbara Schnackenberg

Mary Kay Sigaty

Angie and David Boyter

Mary Beth Carozza

$100 Donors

Kenneth & Bonny Lewis

Betty Adams

David Albert

Jack Andryszak

Joan Athen

Bob Bauman

Bill Beauchamp

Paul Berman

Eric Blitz

Liz Bob and Lloyd Knowles

Ardath Cade

Ron Carlson

Bill Castelli

Terri Beirne

Harold Conn

Edward Connolly

Virginia Crespo

Ruth Crystal

Ken DeFontes

Vinny DeMarco

John DiPietro

Bob Flanagan

Andy Harris

Carol Ann and Tylar Hecht

Amie Hoeber

Richard Johnson

Trent Kittleman

Dan Kubiske

Grace Kubofcik

Mindy Kursban

Josh Kurtz

Joan Lancos

Cynthia Lifson

Kenneth Lundeen

Chip Lundy

Chip Macleod

Micahel Malone

Jean Moon

John O’Bannon

Kathy O’Donovan

Walter Olson

Dennis Rice

James Robey

Ralph Salvagno

Paul Samuel

Michael Sanderson

Sandy Schrader

Gregory Schuckman

Charles Scott

Gabriel Sorrel

Renee Spence

Ashley Swift

Karen Syrylo

Diana Waterman

John Williams

Joe Wilmott

Others News Match Donors

Diana Philip
Patricia Fanning
Andrew Hinz
Daniel Wedemeyer
Allen R Dyer
Gregory LeRoy
Melony Griffith
Art Brodsky
James McGee
Christine Delise
Sue Cross
Kathryn Wisniewski
Elizabeth Crowley
Lisa Jackson
Mark Smith
Heather Smith
Dorothea Stierhoff
David Tochen
Ryan Cox
Jo Martin
Anita Sheckells
Stephen Shapiro
Ronald Nelson
John DiPietro
Roy Appletree
Steven Gniazdowski
Alfred Redmer Jr
Stephen Schenkel
Lynne Battaglia
Jessica Cooper
Richard Strombotne
Margaret Williams
Wendy Martin
Neil Bergsman
Anjali Phukan
William Schaub
Kevin Rodkey
Cheryl Duvall
Theresa Reed
Tammy Larkin
John F Breitenberg
Sandra Martin
Joan Fox
Wendy Frosh
Virginia G Crespo
Stephen Daubresse
Richard Wolfinger
Melody Simmons
Colette Gelwicks
Vernon Sandin
Sallie Taylor
Alice Altstatt
Gail Walter
Kathleen Gallagher
James Williamson
Jason Whong
Joseph Baressi
Kathryn Farinholt
Art Brodsky
Woody Woodruff
Ashley Swift
Dawn Balinski

Linda Pierson

Julie Raugh

Christopher Carman

Diana Conway

Sylvia Darrow

Stephen Schenkel

Jeffrey Hooke

Lewis Winarsky

James Lighthizer

Charles & Virginia Thomas

Paul Samuel

John Williams

William Rothstein

Kenneth Muir

William Tarr

Barbara Sanders

Antonio Salazar

Kriemelmeyer Family Trust

Edward Novak

Deborah Yatsuk

Mark Wilson

Blaine Taylor

WDG Gouldine

Herbert Cromwell

Wayne Kirwan

Nathaniel Smith

Walter Townshend III

McCray Properties LLC

Barbara Sanders

Timothy Mulligan

Marlene Cohn

Sandra & Dennis Schrader

Timothy Wheeler

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.

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