In Freddie Gray’s neighborhood, it’s a hard life for residents

In Freddie Gray’s neighborhood, it’s a hard life for residents

Photo above: Burned out CVS after riot (By Vladimir Badikov with Flickr Creative Commons License)

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.


  1. Buypass

    No job? Leave and find one. Why stay in Democrat nastyville?

  2. Vidi

    Self-righteous piety will not solve the problem. I’d like to see how our political leaders will solve the problems of this failed community. So far our political leaders have failed – badly. How about real actions linked to measurable results not a repeat of the failed policies of the last decade.

  3. Dale McNamee

    I thought that Sandtown-Winchester was an upcoming neighborhood years ago…

    I thought wrong…

    Roland Park shouldn’t have been chosen to compare Sandtown-Winchester with…
    That’s like comparing Haiti with the United States…

    Why wasn’t a more comparable neighborhood ( one that reflects the median income of Baltimore ) chosen and is stable as well ?

    The question was asked : ” Why can’t the west side of the city get the same things that Downtown gets ?

    The answer is obvious… The looting and vandalizing Mondawmin Mall, the looting and burning of the CVS pharmacy, etc.

    Why would anyone in their right mind invest there, let alone live there if they have the income of a Roland Park resident ?

  4. lenlazarick

    As editor of, I have to say that these sort of comments, and many others to other stories make me doubt the wisdom of allowing anonymous, unmoderated comments. Feel free to tell me otherwise. But use your real name, or I’ll take it down.

    • Buypass

      Tell us what to say so we’ll behave kindergarten cop.

      • lenlazarick

        JL can start by using his real name, and not making racist comments that even our very light-handed comment filter rejects.

        • Buypass

          Go PC yourself.

  5. plb5678

    How about a graph that shows family statistics, such as fatherless households, fatherless children, number of children per unwed mothers. The problem stems from lack or responsibility period. Having children without being wed, fathers not being in their children’s lives. Fathers are to be the head of the household and mentor their children on life. Also, the more we push God the Father out of our lives, problems will follow. Without God there is no responsibility to account for your actions. Thank you government for destroying the family which you are still trying to finish off by redefining the family. Thank you government for “separation of church and state” which is not in the constitution. Also kudos to the atheists and the Freedom From Religion organization for being complacent in all of this. We need fathers and we need God our Father.

  6. nitemarejim

    Where are the statistics that show the life choices that these people make?
    It’s these life choices that create the situations cited in the article, NOT the other way around.

    Percentage of single-mother/unwed mother households
    Percentage of teen mothers
    Percentage of women bearing their first child under 18years.
    Percentage of households on welfare
    Percentage of adults with high school diplomas, certificates or less.
    Percentage of people with criminal records.

    I grew up poor. I worked when ever I could. I worked my way through college and got an education and improved my situation.

    • Small Town Reporter

      Yes, but you are/were white. And a poor white man can put on a tie and be given more deference than a highly educated black man. You are accepted easier and not under constant suspicion for doing something wrong. You’re not pulled over as often by cops and you don’t have department store clerks foliowing you around in the store because they think you’re more likely steal. I can’t imagine that the constant bias and scrutiny day after day wouldn’t anger and beleaguer and human being. Yet we sit back and tell blacks who endure this to straighten up and fly right.

      • nitemarejim

        What you say is true,
        BUT, there will always be prejudice. Some people have to work harder. It’s not fair, that’s the way people are. Blacks don’t help themselves by being fatalistic about life. Instead, they should be more meticulous. But engaging in practices that guarantee they stay poor and uneducated becomes an excuse and a reason for prejudice.

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