Oops#2! Dems get another Kittleman record wrong

Oops#2! Dems get another Kittleman record wrong

Lest you think Sen. Allan Kittleman is unkind to animals, a Democratic website attacking the record of the Republican candidate for Howard County executive got him confused with his late father in citing a low rating by the Humane Society.

The KittlemanFacts.com website says Kittleman had a 2004 rating of 22% from the Humane Society. The website is produced by the Team Howard slate that includes Kittleman’s Democratic opponent Courtney Watson and Ken Ulman, the current executive running for lieutenant governor.

But according to a scorecard found by Tami Santelli, Maryland’s senior state director for the Humane Society of the United States, that score was for Sen. Robert Kittleman, who died Sept. 11, 2004. Allan, then a six-year member of the Howard County Council, was appointed in October 2004 to fill the balance of his father’s term.

This is second time the website got its facts wrong.

UPDATE 9/8/2014, 2:15 p.m.: In defense of Team Howard, this Humane Society rating was incorrectly attributed to Allan Kittleman on both the Project Vote Smart website and the Open Government site. Both sites are sources used in research on political candidates. The original scorecard was not available online.

Inaccurate story basis of false attack

The slate had also used a Washington Examiner article to claim Allan Kittleman supported arming teachers and administrators. The reporter on that story said it was hyped inaccurately during the editing process and a correction had been made. Team Howard pulled the citation off the website, but it had already sent out tens of thousands of mailers to voters blaring the claim.

The same 2004 Humane society scorecard, apparently based on only four votes, also gave Sen. Ed Kasemeyer, a Howard County Democrat, a score of 22%, while Republican Howard County Sen. Sandy Schrader got 78%.

In the 2007-2010 scorecard by the Humane Society, Allan Kittleman got a score of 64% in his first full term, and in this year’s 2011-2014 scorecard, he got a 93%, as did Kasemeyer, and many other Republicans and Democrats. The higher scores are not referenced by KittlemanFacts.com.

UPDATE: Kittleman responds

“I was hopeful this was going to be a positive campaign,” Kittleman said. “But I was not naive that I wasn’t going to be attacked. I was surprised that it happened so early.”

Other than telling reporters about the errors on KittlemanFacts.com, the Kittleman campaign has done little so far to counter the attacks, which Kittleman spokesman Andy Barth called “negative” and “mean-spirited.”

“We will make clear my record on these issues,” Kittleman said. “We will be speaking directly to the people.”

–Len Lazarick



About The Author

Len Lazarick


Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of MarylandReporter.com and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.


  1. Spaky

    Since Watson has no record to run on she has to make stuff up.

  2. Frank_Van

    Len you are restoring our trust in objective reporting. Thanks

  3. Angie Boyter

    Thank you for the good reporting, Len!

  4. thekytikat

    <<"Other than telling reporters about the errors on KittlemanFacts.com, the Kittleman campaign has done little so far to counter the attacks, which Kittleman spokesman Andy Barth called “negative” and “mean-spirited.” “We will make clear my record on these issues,” Kittleman said. “We will be speaking directly to the people.” >>

    Kittleman needs to get out in front of this NOW. Don’t sit back and let these things stand. That’s the attitude that killed Cuccinelli in VA last year.

  5. New2HoCo

    I’d like to know what Watson’s team is going to do about these mailers. I am new to Howard County (moved here about 9 months ago). I am disgusted to see national level mudslinging locally. Courtney Watson, I’m sure someone will bring this to your attention soon. I am disappointed in your leadership to approve these mailers.

    I was shocked to learn any candidate supported guns in schools, which is a radical idea for craziest people. I was even more shocked to learn that this misquote was KNOWINGLY attributed to Allan Kittleman by this slate which includes Ms. Watson.

  6. NWbyNWBornandBred

    Maybe we just start the other way around and ask what from Watson’s campaign IS accurate? Obviously they have 0 problem publishing bold faced lies in campaign mailers. Now I’m curious to what they write is actually true. I’m also curious if they really think Howard County voters are stupid enough to fall for their lies?

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