By Meg Tully and Len Lazarick
[email protected], [email protected]
Our seventh monthly roundup of candidates for General Assembly adds a new feature: campaign fundraising totals from 2013 filed with the State Board of Elections in January.
We have tried to list every candidate who has filed and most who have announced. We have added figures for Cash on hand, amount Raised in 2013, and Loans or Debts when significant.
The filing deadline is three weeks away, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 9 p.m.
Each district is listed by county and, in most cases, incumbents (in parentheses) with their status. The districts reflect new district lines, which have placed some incumbents into a different district. Each legislative district has one senator and three delegates, often split into subdistricts of one or two delegates. Many of the subdistricts were changed in the last restricting.
With over 300 candidates and incumbents and so many fundraising numbers, there are likely to be some omissions and errors. Please email any needed corrections to Len Lazarick, [email protected].
UPDATE 9 p.m., 2/4/2012 Information has been corrected or updated for Districts 4, 6, 8, 32, 37, and 43. Thanks to those who helped make this listing more accurate. LL
Maryland General Assembly
District 1A: One delegate, Garrett and Allegany (Edwards, Beitzel both filed) Sen. George Edwards (Cash: $46,008; Raised $2,000)
District 1B: One delegate, Allegany (Kelly filed)
Del. Kevin Kelly (Cash: $18,420.88; Raised: $12,440; Loans: $34,422)
District 1C: One delegate, Allegany and Washington (Myers is running for Washington County Board of
Running: Republicans Michael McKay president of the Allegany County Commissioners (Cash: $15,495.37; Raised: $19,370) and Hancock resident Ray Givens (Cash: $9,533.; Raised: $11,627; Loans: $3,872)
District 2: (Shank filed) Sen. Chris Shank (Cash: $29,027; Raised $17,860; Loans: $5,000)
District 2A: Two delegates, Washington (Parrott, Serafini both filed)
Del. Neil Parrott (Cash: $50,818; Raised: $36,468)
Del. Andrew Serafini (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending. He had $179 cash for the last report filed in 2012.) See explanation at very bottom of this story.
Democrat Elizabeth Paul filed Jan. 30 (campaign committee established but no filed reports yet).
District 2B: One delegate, Washington (Donoghue filed)
Del. John Donoghue (Cash: $1,263; Raised: $1,225)
Republican Brett Wilson filed Jan. 17 (he has a campaign account but no filing yet).
District 3A: Two delegates, Frederick (Del. Patrick Hogan. retiring)
Republican Chris Huckenpoehler (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending. He had $275 cash for the last report filed in 2013)
Republican Paul Smith (Cash: $2,951; Raised: $3,970)
Democrat Nicholas Bouquet (no active campaign account) is calling for expanded MARC service in Frederick, blogger George Wenschhof reports on Air it Out With George. Bouquet, a paralegal, filed Jan. 17.
Democrat Carol Krimm, former Frederick city alderwoman and aide to Del. Galen Clagett and former Del. Sue Hecht, filed Jan. 7. Bethany Rodgers reports on her candidacy in The Frederick News-Post. (Cash: $1,697; Raised: $1,955; Loans: $500)
Democrat Roger Wilson filed Jan. 24 and plans to officially launch the campaign Feb. 15, according to his website (campaign account established but he filed a report of limited contributions and spending). Wilson serves on the Frederick Community College board of trustees, reports Bethany Rodgers in her Political Notes column in The Frederick News-Post.
District 3B: One delegate, Frederick
Running for delegate: Republican Darren Wigfield (Cash: $12,973; Raised: $17,459)
Democrat Stephen Slater filed Jan. 30 (campaign committee established but filed an affidavit of limited contributions and spending).
District 4: Three delegates, Frederick, Carroll (Brinkley, Afzali, Hough; Schulz filed)
Del. Kathy Afzali (Cash: $65,638, Raised: $72,943, Loans: $32,900)
Del. Michael Hough (Cash: 115,229; Raised: $85,888)
Del. Kelly Schulz (Cash: $44,850; Raised: $29,615)
Running for delegate: Republican former Mount Airy town councilwoman Wendi Peters (Cash $13,221; Raised $19,208)
Senate: Jason Miller, a Republican, withdrew his candidacy Jan. 28
Sen. David Brinkley (Cash: $21,314; Raised $43,024) got wind of a poll that compares him to Del. Michael Hough, who was redistricted into Brinkley’s district. The survey reportedly cast Brinkley in a negative light and Hough in a positive light, but Hough declined to comment, reports Bethany Rodgers in The Frederick News-Post. UPDATE 9 p.m., 2/4/2014 Hough told he will announce his plans on Feb. 19.
Peters sent out a Jan. 31 press release announcing her official filing. The fourth generation Mount Airy native and former
councilwoman touted awards from the Daily Record for being one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women and from the Maryland Recycling Network for Extraordinary Achievement, and for being inducted into the Mount Airy Hall of Fame.
Democrat Gene Stanton wants to reduce the gridlock on Interstate 270 and is concerned about runaway growth, reports George Wenschhof on Air It Out with George. He filed Jan. 16 for delegate and has a campaign account but no filed reports yet.
District 5: Three delegates (four incumbents), Carroll (Getty filed; Krebs filed; Ready filed, Elliott filed; Stocksdale still thinking about it)
Sen. Joe Getty filed Jan. 16 (Cash: $12,105; Raised $29,947)
Del. Susan Krebs (Cash: $76,071; Raised: $32,810)
Del. Justin Ready (Cash: $67,531; Raised: $45,622)
Del. Donald Elliott (Cash: $20,119.90; Raised $13,550)
Del. Nancy Stocksdale (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending. She had $3,945 cash for the last report filed in 2013.)
Running for delegate: Republican County Commissioner Haven Shoemaker has filed (Cash: $23,331; Raised: $22,830, Loans: $35,462), as has Joshua Stonko (Cash: $8,073; Raised: $13,944), Democrat Zachary Hands (no active campaign committee)
Former Republican Del. Carmen Amedori filed Jan. 13 for the delegate seat in a district crowded with incumbents, blogs Michael Swartz on monoblogue. Amedori does not have an active campaign account, according to the Maryland State Board of Elections database.
Republican Kevin Utz filed Jan. 31 for the delegate seat. He filed an affidavit of limited contributions and spending since his 2009 annual campaign finance report, when he had $119 in cash.
District 6: Three delegates (two open delegate seats, open Senate seat), Baltimore County (Stone retiring, Minnick retiring; Olszewski filed for Senate, Weir filed)
Running for Senate: Johnny Ray Salling, a Republican CORRECTION: (Being fined for failure to file report) (Cash: $21,938; Raised: $32,477)
Running for delegate: Republican Robin Grammer (Cash: $10,402; Raised $12,117) as has Bob Long, who was the top Republican candidate in the 2010 General Election (Cash: $6,751; Raised $8,515, Loans: $5,000).
Dan Liberatore, a Republican, has filed in the delegate race (no fundraising report), as has Ric Metzgar, an Essex Republican (Cash: $166; Raised $4,749), Democrats: Marcus Foreman (Cash: $14; Raised: $1,304; Loans: $100), Jonathan Campbell (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending). Eric Washington, (Cash: $685; Raised $500; Outstanding bills: $1,000) Del. Mike Weir Jr. (Cash: $21,938; Raised $32,477), Democrat former delegate Jake Mohorovic (Cash: $6,079; Raised $1,725; Loans: $8,230)
Democrat Ed Crizer filed Jan. 15. A November article in the Dundalk Eagle mentions Crizer and said he is a member of the Baltimore County Board of Appeals. Crizer’s campaign account does not have any records filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections.
Democrat Larry Harmel filed Jan. 10 for the delegate race. HIs does not have any records filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections.
District 7: Three delegates, Baltimore County and Harford (Jennings filed, Impallaria, McDonough; Szeliga filed)
Sen. J.B. Jennings (Cash: $35,635; Raised $29,030; Outstanding Bills: $4,617),
Del. Richard Impallaria (Cash: $14,237; Raised: $11,722; Loans $700)
Del. Pat McDonough (Cash: $12,212; Raised: $32,722; Loans $2,300)
Running: Del. Kathy Szeliga, a Republican, has filed (Cash: $62,713; Raised: $46,578; Loans: $5,000; Outstanding Bills $58,332), Democrat Norman Gifford (Cash: $4,087; Raised: $7,840), David Seman, a Republican (Cash: $7,116; Raised $8,888; Loans: $1,772)
In a Jan. 17 press release announcing his campaign, Gifford, a Democrat, said he was not deterred running in a district with three Republican incumbents, calling their representation “deplorable.” He called out Del. Richard Impallaria for sponsoring more than 80 pieces of legislation in his career, but getting only two passed.
District 8: Three delegates, Baltimore County (Klausmeier filed, Bromwell, Cluster filed)
Del. Eric Bromwell (Cash: $22,536; Raised: $20,800)
Running for delegate (one open seat): Republican Christian Miele announced his official filing this month (Cash: $7,017; Raised $7,986; Loans: $3,100), Republican Del. John Cluster (Cash: $34,810.84; Raised: $21,204.73). UPDATED 9 P.M., 2/4/2014, Republican Norma Secoura says she plans on filing again for delegate (Cash: $1,676; Loans $13,094).
Sen. Kathy Klausmeier (Cash: $103,721; Raised $53,015; Loans $1,600)
District 9: Carroll, Howard (Kittleman runs for executive; Bates for Senate, Miller filed for reelection) Running for Senate: Del. Gail Bates, a West Friendship Republican, (Cash: $43,614; Raised $20,863). Democrat Dan Medinger (Cash: $18,464; Raised: $20,735). Bates officially filed Jan. 10.
9A: Two delegates (one open seat), Carroll, Howard;
Running: Incumbent Del. Warren Miller (Cash: $23,834; Raised: $16,445; Loans: $3,746), Republican Trent Kittleman (Cash: $2,965; Raised: $5,920), former Republican congressional nominee Frank Mirabile (Cash: $2,426; Raised $2,800); Kyle Lorton, a Republican who ran for state Senate in District 13 (Cash: $2,748, $1,935, Loans: $3,000), James Ward Morrow, a Democrat (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending. He had $3,438 cash for the last report filed in 2012.)
Woodbine resident Eric Bouchat (Cash: $2,812; Raised $8,562; Loans: -$2,513; Outstanding bills: $23,487) announced his campaign for delegate in a Jan. 31 email. After challenging the 2012 redistricting in court, Bouchat said the loss helped teach him more knowledge and experience that will help him as delegate. He said in the statement that he wants to “give rural political sub-divisions their constitutionally guaranteed representation in the state legislative process and ensure all political sub-divisions elect separate executive and legislative branches.”
9B: One delegate (open seat), Howard
Running: Republican Bob Flanagan, a former delegate and secretary of transportation (Cash: $6,273; Raised $9,600; Loans $2,000); Republican Carol Loveless (Cash: $17,126; Raised $21,500).
Democrat Tom Coale (Cash: $18,240; Raised $22,412; Loans $1,000) Retired teacher Rich Corkran, a Democrat (Cash: $23,863; Raised $29,145; Loans $15,000).
District 10: Three delegates, Baltimore County (two open seats)
(Kelley filed, Burns retiring, Jones filed, Nathan-Pulliam running for Senate in redrawn district 44)
Running for Senate: Sen. Delores Kelley (Cash: $72,263; Raised $46,680). Stephanie Boston, who ran against Kelley last time (Cash: $984; Raised: $2,640). Much of the district is new territory.
Running for delegate: Democrats Rob Johnson (Cash: $10,570; Raised $16,062) and Frederick Strickland (Cash: -$1,104; Raised $188), Democrat Benjamin Brooks (Cash: $30,821; Raised $33,309; Loans: $13,469) and Democrat Carin Smith (Cash $34,807, Raised: $36,839), Democrat Jay Jalisi (Cash: $69,700, Raised: $50,000, Loans: $50,000)
The Maryland State Education Association and the Teacher’s Association of Baltimore County endorsed Rob Johnson in the race, according to a Jan. 15 press release from the campaign. Johnson, a Randallstown resident, serves as an associate counsel for Baltimore City Public Schools and has three children who attend public schools in Baltimore County.
District 11: Three delegates, Baltimore County (Zirkin; Cardin runs for AG, Morhaim, Stein) Democratic incumbents Sen. Bobby Zirkin (Cash: $200,059; Raised $49,350; Outstanding bills: $41,905), Del. Dan Morhaim (Cash: $252,629; Raised $40,508) and Del. Dana Stein are running as a slate (Cash: $73,089; Raised $37,201). Del. Jon Cardin is running for attorney general instead of seeking re-election.
Running for delegate: Democrat Don Engel (Cash: $8,981; Raised: $23,712; Loans: $6,650), Democrat Shelly Hettleman (Cash: $111,960; Raised $123,140) Former Del. Ted Levin filed Jan. 2 but has no active campaign committee.
Republican Laura Harkins filed Jan. 28 (no campaign committee).
Zirkin was one of several candidates who got $1,000 campaign contributions from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s O’ Say Can You See PAC, reports John Fritze in The Baltimore Sun.
District 12: Three delegates (three open seats), Baltimore County and Howard
(Kasemeyer filed; DeBoy, Malone, Bobo all three retiring)
Sen. Ed Kasemeyer, a Democrat, filed for reelection in July (Cash: $130,362, Raised: $50,781)
Republican Jesse Peppy filed Jan. 27; has a campaign fundraising committee but no records on file yet.
Democrats filed for delegate: Rebecca Dongarra (Cash: $9,342; Raised: $14,260) Brian Bailey (Cash: $977; Raised: $11,112) Terri Hill ($49,456, Raised: $60,505, Loans: $1,000; Outstanding bills: $750), Eric Ebersole (Cash: $17,023; Raised: $22,463; Loans $5,000), Clarence Lam (Cash: $60,594; Raised: $43,846.31; Loans: $27,988.31), Renee McGuirk-Spence (Cash: $8,961; Raised: $16,955), Mike Gisriel (misfiled on paper instead of electronically, being fined for failure to file electronically, reports $120,000 raised, including more than $60,000 in loans), Nick Stewart (Cash: $27,799, Raised: $35,626), Adam Sachs (Cash: $1,291; Raised $1,565; Loans: $800) Republican Joe Hooe (Cash: $100, Raised $100), Republican Gordon Bull (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending)
Democrat Jay Cohen, 80, is a man who doesn’t shy away from speaking his mind, reports Amanda Yeager in the Baltimore Sun. The Columbia attorney who has been an IRS field agent, Howard County Orphans’ Court judge and member of the Fabulous 50-Plus Players filed for delegate Jan. 8. He has a campaign account but no records filed yet.
District 13: Three delegates, Howard (Robey retiring, Guzzone filed for Senate, Pendergrass filed, Turner filed)
Del. Guy Guzzone is seeking the open Senate seat (Cash: $409,675; Raised: $272,738).
Running for delegate: Incumbents Del. Shane Pendergrass (Cash: $111,718; Raised $25,878) and Del. Frank Turner (Cash: $56,245; Raised: $22,237). Columbia resident Fred Eiland (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions), school board member Janet Siddiqui (Cash: $45,233; Raised: $14,190), and has been included on the incumbents’ ticket, Republican Danny Eaton (Cash: $2,596; Raised: $5,142) filed for delegate in April.
Republican Jimmy Williams, a finance and journalism major at University of Maryland College Park, filed Jan. 10 and plans to serve others if elected, reports Erin Serpico in The Diamondback. He has $325 in cash in his campaign account, and raised $325 last year.
District 14: Three delegates, Montgomery Co. (Montgomery, Kaiser, Luedtke, Zucker all filed for re-election)
Running for Senate: Sen. Karen Montgomery (Cash: $43,278; Raised: $26,856).
Running for delegate: Democrat John Paul Evans of Gaithersburg (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending), along with incumbents Del. Anne Kaiser (Cash: $37,025; Raised: $26,463), Del. Eric Luedtke (Cash: $25,865; Raised: $27,860; Loans: $3,593), Del. Craig Zucker (Cash: $42,412; Raised: $33,795).
District 15: Three delegates, Montgomery Co. (Feldman now a senator and filed for election, Dumais filed, Miller filed, Fraser-Hidalgo filed.)
Running for Senate: Sen. Brian Feldman (Cash: $112,897; Raised: $74,178), Former Del. Robin Ficker (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending).
Running for Delegate: Del. David Fraser-Hidalgo has filed for election to the seat to which he was recently appointed (Cash: $32,974; Raised: $33,715, Loans: $17,000), Incumbents Del. Kathleen Dumais (Cash: $52,291; Raised: $49,480) and Del. Aruna Miller (Cash: $108,790; Raised: $80,186; Loans: $10,000; Outstanding bills: $3,413), Flynn Ficker (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending), Democrat Bennett Rushkoff, (Cash: $53,470; Raised: $59,427; Loans: $40,000).
Republican Ed Edmundson filed Jan. 27 for the delegate seat (no campaign committee).
District 16: Three delegates, Montgomery (Frosh and Frick running for AG, Lee filed for Senate, Kelly) Aspirations for higher office have produced an open Senate seat and two open delegate seats.
Running for Senate: Del. Susan Lee (Cash: $220,359; Raised $49,047)
Running for delegate: Bethesda resident Jordan Cooper (Cash: $26,908; Raised: $28,795; Loans: $4,741), Kevin Walling, former communications director for Equality Maryland (Cash: $30,463; Raised $37,276), Marc Korman, a Democrat (Cash: $120,791; Raised: $95,890; Loans: $15,000), Hrant Jamgochian, who also ran in 2010 (Cash: $116,698; Raised: $183,439; Loans: $120,000; Outstanding bills: $1,320), former Del. Gareth Murray, a Democrat (Cash: -$10,754; Raised: $2,250), Karen Kuker-Kihl (closed campaign account), Meyer Marks, a Republican, has declared but has no active campaign account for the race.
Democrat Peter Dennis filed Jan. 28 (Cash: $325; Raised: $325).
Bethesda business owner and Republican Rose Maria Li filed Jan. 9 and wants to bring balance back to Maryland, reports Colleen Barton Sutton in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Patch. Li has a campaign account but no report filed yet.
District 17: Three delegates, Montgomery County (Forehand retiring, Barve filed, Gilchrist, Simmons running for Senate)
Running for Senate: Del. Luiz Simmons (Cash: $101,569; Raised $125,314.36; Loans: $114,438), Former Delegate Cheryl Kagan (Cash: $48,430; Raised: $46,392.50). Sen. Jennie Forehand is retiring, reports John Wagner in the Washington Post among several other publications.
Running for delegate: Democrat Andrew Platt (Cash: $36,141; Raised: $46,312) and Democrat Laurie-Anne Sayles (Cash: $21,547; Raised $21,547; Loans: $15,000), Del. Kumar Barve, House Majority Leader, (Cash: $78.363; Raised: $9,295.00).
Democrat George Zamora, a 29-year old junior art major at University of Maryland College Park, wants to continue his passion for public service from student government to the Maryland General Assembly, reports Grace Toohey in The Diamondback. He filed Jan. 13 and has a campaign account but no reports filed yet.
District 18: Three delegates, Montgomery (Madaleno, Carr, Guitierrez, Waldstreciher all have filed for reelection)
Filed for Senate: Sen. Richard Madaleno (Cash: $36,869; Raised: $20,432; Loans: $20,000)
Filed for Delegate: Democrat Al Carr (Cash: $41,988; Raised: $50,407; Loans: $64,020), Democrat Elizabeth Matory (Cash: $16,358; Raised $25,733), Democrat Jeff Waldstreicher (Cash: $113,873; Raised: $47,103; Loans: $42,417), Democrat Emily Shetty, an attorney, (Cash: $10,463; Raised: $13,893; Loans; $4,500; Outstanding bills: $1,490, Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (Cash: $28,270; Raised $9,415)
Former Montgomery County council aide Dana Beyer announced Thursday that she will run for the state Senate against incumbent Richard Madaleno, setting up a contest between a transgender woman and the chamber’s only openly gay member, Frederick Kunkle reports in the Post. Beyer (Cash:$325 Raised: $4.500; Loans, $186,703)
Democrat Rick Kessler wants money for the Purple Line light rail and a dedicated fund for school construction, reports Peggy McEwan in The Gazette. Kessler, senior vice president at Levick Strategic Communications and vice chairman of the District 18 Democratic Caucus, filed Jan. 28 for delegate (Cash: $68,782; Raised: $84,031).
District 19: Three delegates, Montgomery (Manno running, Arora retiring, Cullison running, Kramer running) The three incumbents are running as a slate.
Senate: Sen. Roger Manno (Cash: $120,168; Raised: $50,962; Loans: $70,000)
Filed for delegate: Democrats Marice Morales, an aide to Sen. Roger Manno (Morales Cash $15,498; Raised $17,615; Loans: $6,500), Democrat Melodye Berry who had run in 2006 (no active campaign account), Del. Bonnie Cullison (Cash: $32,871; Raised $27,817; Loans: $13,500) and Ben Kramer (Cash: $33,174; Raised: $21,918; Loans: $158,450; Outstanding bills: $3,109)
Democrat Charlotte Crutchfield filed Jan. 17 for delegate (Cash: $68,782; Raised: $84,031).
District 20: Three delegates (one open delegate seat), Montgomery (Raskin filed, Hixson filed, Hucker filed ; Mizeur is running for governor)
Running for Senate: Incumbent Sen. Jamie Raskin (Cash: $155,253; Raised $45,436)
Running for delegate: Dels. Sheila Hixson (Cash: $32,303; Raised $58,387; Loans: $10,000; Outstanding bills: $15,921) and Tom Hucker (Cash: $146,904; Raised $52,366) Hucker is also considering a run for County Council. Democrat Justin Chappell (Cash: $38; Raised: $2,755; Loans: $700), Silver Spring resident Will Smith (Cash: $28,311; Raised: $52,366), David Moon of Maryland Juice (Cash: $52,340; Raised: $55,505; Loans: $25,500), George Zokle, a Democrat ($15,880; Raised: $27,856), and Democrat Darian Unger (Cash: $24,937; Raised: $27,300), D’Jaun Hopewell, a Democrat (Cash: $8,942; Raised: $11,415), William Jawando, a Democrat ($45,916; Raised: $64,701), and Democrat Jonathan Shurberg. (Cash: $65,423; Raised $130,419; Loans: $125,000).
District 21: Three delegates, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s (Rosapepe filed, Barnes filed, Frush filed, Pena-Melnyk filed)
Senate: Sen. Jim Rosapepe (Cash: $391,605.; Raised: $60,625; Loans: $771,700; Outstanding bills: $39,618)
Delegate: Incumbents Del. Barbara Frush (Cash: $17,235; Raised $9,000) and Joseline Pena-Melnyk (Cash: $63,735; Raised $36,700)
District 22: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Pinsky; Gaines filed, Healey filed, Washington filed)
Senate: Sen. Paul Pinsky (Cash: $69,163; Raised $4,283)
Janice Fountaine, a Republican, filed Jan. 6 for the Senate seat. (She has a campaign account but no records on file yet).
House: Del. Tawanna Gaines (Cash: $16,179; Raised $13,800; Loans: $1,000), Del. Anne Healey (Cash: $51,046; Raised: $28,190), Del. Alonzo Washington (Cash: $21,623; Raised: $41,415), Rushern L. Baker IV, the son of the Prince George‘s County executive (Cash: $24,242, Raised: $31,394).
District 23: Prince George’s (Peters, 23A Valentino-Smith, Hubbard; 23B Holmes filed, Vallario filed)
Senate: Sen. Douglas J.J. Peters (Cash: $206,188; Raised: $152,730; Outstanding bills: $15,309)
Democrat David Grogan (has a campaign account but no records to display yet) filed Jan. 3.
District 23A: One delegate, Prince George’s (Two Democratic incumbents Hubbard and Valentino-Smith were put in this district.)
Del. James Hubbard (Cash: $34,828; Raised: $28,450; Loans: $3,000), Geraldine Valentino-Smith (Cash: $53,230; Raised: $32,970; Loans: $38,000; Outstanding bills: $1,000)
District 23B: Two delegates, Prince George’s (Holmes, Vallario have both filed)
Delegate: Del. Marvin Holmes (Cash: $21,361.; Raised $37,415; Outstanding bills: $1,364), Del. Joseph Vallario (Cash: $137,802; Raised: $97,683; Loans: $50,000)
District 24: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Benson; Howard and Vaughn filed, Swain filed)
Senate: Sen. Joanne Benson (Cash: $53,599; Raised: $64,240)
Delegate: Del. Carolyn J.B. Howard (Cash: $31,930; Raised: $19,417), Del. Michael Vaughn (Cash: $75,309; Raised: $20,587), Erek Barron, a Prince George‘s Democrat (Cash: $29,261; Raised: $33,151; Loans: $1,616; Outstanding bills: $3,658), Del. Darren Swain, a Democrat (Cash: $3,839; Raised: $3,839), Greg Hall, a Democrat (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending)
District 25: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Currie, Braveboy running for AG, Davis, Griffith running for Senate) Two open delegate seats.
Senate: Sen. Ulysses Currie (Two campaign accounts: Cash: $4,398; raised $0; Cash: $112,386), Del. Melony Griffith (Cash: $40,483; Raised: $30,570)
Filed for delegate: Democrat Tony Jones, who lives in Upper Marlboro (Cash: $5,951; Raised: $9,019), Democrat Stanley Onye (No report filed) and Nick Charles II, a Democrat who filed Dec. 13 (Cash: $2,249; Raised: $3,639; Loans: $1,344.54).
Special interests paid tribute to House Economic Matters Chairman Del. Dereck Davis during an early January fundraiser, comments Josh Kurtz on Center Maryland. The piece goes on to profile Davis as a man with a reputation for being an honest broker who will give a fair hearing on contentious issues like the minimum wage. (Davis has a campaign account with $114,713 in cash; he raised $128,494 last year)
Democrat Geraldine Eggleston filed Jan. 29 (Cash: $1,316; Raised: $6,470)
District 26: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Muse, Turner filed for Senate, Valderrama, Walker)
Senate: Sen. Anthony Muse has not filed but has a campaign account (Cash: $51,744.; Raised $83,795; Loans: $117,000; Outstanding bills due: $34,876), Attorney Brian Woolfolk (Cash: $50,099; Raised: $64,942; Loans: $45,000).
Prince George’s Del. Veronica Turner filed for the District 26 Senate seat on Jan. 6 (Cash: $25,249; Raised: $23,200; Loans: $3,000)
Filed for delegate: Democrats Vernon Holmes (Maryland Board of Elections has no record online for the campaign committee’s filings) and Keith Gray (Cash: $5,605; Raised: $10,904). David Sloan, an O’Malley aide, is planning to run for delegate (Cash: $10,372; Raised: $19,152).
Del. Jay Walker hasn’t filed yet but has a campaign account (Cash: $32,178; Raised: $44,828)
Walker posted about the candidacy of Democrat Tony Knotts on his website. Knotts filed Jan. 16 and Walker said, “I was pleased to observe my friend and fellow public servant Tony Knotts as he filed his paper work to run for the House of Delegates!! This is great for our district!!” (Knotts filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending since last campaign report filed 2011 with cash balance of $174).
District 27: Charles, Calvert (Miller)
Sen. Mike Miller (Cash: $644,637; Raised $252,098) was elected president of the Senate for the 28th time this January. Len Lazarick of reports that he and other leaders have led the legislature for many years, creating a ceiling for leadership.
District 27A: One delegate, Charles, Calvert (Proctor filed)
Democratic Del. James E. Proctor Jr. (Cash: $10,308; Raised: $7,450)
District 27B: One delegate, Calvert, Prince George’s
District 27C: One delegate, Calvert (Fisher)
Del. Mark Fisher (Cash: $26,425; Raised: $19,020; Loans: $129,271)
Running for delegate: Former Democratic Del. Sue Kullen (Cash: $15,608; Raised: $18,308)
District 28: Three delegates, Charles (Middleton filed, Jameson filed, Murphy rumored to be running for county commissioners president, Wilson filed)
Sen. Mac Middleton, a Democrat (Cash: $160,036; Raised: $106,385)
Democratic Dels. Sally Jameson ($43,983; Raised $15,668; Loans -$3,000) and C.T. Wilson (Cash: $22,023; Raised: $22,735; Loans: $4,000; Outstanding bills: $1,074)
Charles County commissioners’ President Candice Quinn Kelly wants to do policy-driven work as a delegate, reports Jeff Newman of Southern Maryland Newspapers. Kelly filed Jan. 27 (Cash: $2,671; Raised: $11,905; Loans: $10,325). The same article quotes Kelly as saying Del. Peter Murphy (Cash: $18,451; Raised: $10,556; Loans: $99,500) planned to run for commissioners’ president, but he declined to comment on his plans.
Democrat John Coller filed Jan. 28 (no campaign account).
District 29: St. Mary’s, Calvert (Dyson announced)
Running for Senate: Sen. Roy Dyson (Cash: $48,460; Raised: $22,405) Republican Steve Waugh, a Lusby resident (Cash: $15,472; Raised: $22,369), St. Mary’s County Commissioner Cindy Jones, a Republican (Cash: $5,140; Raised: $7,056).
District 29A: One delegate, St. Mary’s (Wood retiring)
Delegate: Bryan Barthelme, a Republican (Cash: $5,098; Raised: $15.827; Loans: $15,377) Republican Matt Morgan (Cash: $8,956; Raised $9,777)
Del. Johnny Wood is retiring after 28 years, reports Len Lazarick on
Lifelong resident of St. Mary’s County Daniel A.M. Slade wants to follow in his father’s footsteps by serving in the House of Delegates, reports Dick Meyers for His father, John Slade III, served as delegate for 16 years beginning in 1982. His son, a 40-year-old Democrat, is a practicing attorney and has three children (he has a campaign account but no reports filed yet).
District 29B: One delegate, St. Mary’s (Bohanan)
Del. John Bohanan (Cash: $66,397; Raised: $22,400)
Filed: Retired Air Force officer Deb Rey, a Republican (Cash: $5,102; Raised: $6,733; Loans: $600)
District 29C: One delegate, St. Mary’s, Calvert (O’Donnell)
Del. Tony O’Donnell (Cash: $5,287; Raised: $9,570; Outstanding bills: $3,551)
District 30: Anne Arundel (Astle filed, Busch filed, George runs for governor, McMillan announced)
Running for Senate: Sen. John Astle (Cash: $175,347; Raised: $81,685), Former Republican congressional candidate Eric Delano Knowles (Cash: $323; Raised: $1,938), Republican Don Quinn filed Jan. 8.
District 30A: Two delegates, Anne Arundel (Busch filed, McMillan)
Del. Herb McMillan, Republican (Cash: $64,001; Raised: $55,156)
Filed for delegate: Del. Mike Busch, the speaker of the House (Cash: $443,808; Raised: $266,278), Democrat Maria Triandos, Democrat (Cash: $9,231; Raised: $10,188; Loans: $1,500) and Laurie Sears Deppa. (Cash: $49; Raised: $3,335.29; Loans: $875), Democrat Chuck Ferrar, who served a partial term on the County Council (Cash: $776; Raised: $0; Loans: $20,000)
Republican Genevieve Lindner filed Jan. 16 (has a campaign account but no reports filed yet).
District 30B: One delegate, Anne Arundel (Costa retiring)
Democrat Michelle Stephenson (Cash: $7,999; Raised: $9,270; Loans: $5,000) announced her filing in a Jan. 31 press release. “I hope to be a strong voice for the people of our community, for the families, like my own, who call South County home,” she said.
Del. Robert Costa is retiring after being moved from District 33B to the newly created 30B, reports Sara Blumberg for the Annapolis Capital. He said had not planned to make a career of lawmaking.
Anne Arundel County police lieutenant Jim Fredericks, a Republican, is running for delegate and wants to bring a “common sense” approach to community issues, reports Sara Blumberg in the Annapolis Capital. A campaign finance report filed with the Maryland Board of Elections shows Fredericks has $3,196 in cash and raised $3,200 last year. The Capital article also mentions the candidacy of Seth Howard, a Republican (Cash: $23,402; Raised: $18,025; Loans: $25,000).
Michael J. McNelly filed Jan. 24 for delegate (no campaign account).
District 31: Anne Arundel (Simonaire filed, Dwyer, Kipke filed; Schuh runs for executive)
Senate: Sen. Bryan Simonaire (Cash: $41,039; Raised: $18,085), Democrat Anthony Scott Harman (Cash: $474; Raised: $840; Loans: $250)
31A: One delegate, Anne Arundel
Democrat Ned Carey (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending. He last filed a campaign report in 2011, when he had a cash balance of $4,213)
Republican Terry Lynn DeGraw (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending).
31B: Two delegates, Anne Arundel (Kipke filed)
Filed for delegate: Republican Gus Kurtz (Cash: $14,109; Raised: $29,890; Loans: $5,000) and Democrat Stan Janor who ran for delegate in 2010 (Cash: $14,109; Raised: $29,890; Loans $5,000). Republican Meagan Simonaire, daughter of state Sen. Bryan Simonaire, filed for delegate Dec. 16 (Cash: $9,270; Raised: $10,170). Del. Nic Kipke (Cash: $16,181; Raised: $31,667)
Paul William Drgos Jr., a Republican, filed Jan. 30. He is a computer programmer and wants to stop the one-party monopoly in Maryland, he stated on his website. He has a campaign account but no reports filed yet.
Del. Don Dwyer still plans to seek re-election, even as he apologized and told Maryland lawmakers that he accepted the decision to remove him from committee membership after his two alcohol related convictions and subsequent jail time during weekends of the General Assembly, reports Michael Dresser in The Baltimore Sun. Dwyer has $21,549 cash on hand and raised $44,941 in the past year, according to a campaign finance report filed with the Maryland Board of Elections. He has $3,000 in loans.
District 32: Three delegates, Anne Arundel (DeGrange filed, Beidle filed, Love retiring, Sophocleus filed)
Sen. Ed DeGrange (Cash: $273,960; Raised: $93,475)
Running for delegate: Del. Pam Beidle (Cash: $48,090; Raised $28,725), Del. Ted Sophocleus (Cash: $16,380; Raised: $29,350, Loans: $48,000) Republican Jesse Mayer (Cash: $186; Raised: $197), Republican Josh Kiracofe (Maryland State Board of Elections has no records online for the campaign committee), Democrat Tonja McCoy (Cash: $863; Raised: $9,075) Steven Wyatt, a Democrat (Cash: $150; Raised: $150).
Spencer Dove, a 26-year-old Democrat, former legislative aide and CORRECTED, 9 p.m., 2/4/2014 executive associate director at the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, launched his campaign in Russett and filed Jan. 30. (Cash: $677; Raised $720; Outstanding bills: $208)
District 33: Three delegates, Anne Arundel (Reilly filed; Costa is retiring; McConkey filed, Vitale filed)
Sen. Ed Reilly (Cash: $10,862; Raised: $26,505; Loans: -$1,119)
Delegate: Del. Tony McConkey (Cash: $6,752; Raised: $6,790; Loans: $126,500), Republican Jeff Gauges (Cash: $11,248; Raised: $18,775), Republican Nora Keenan (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending), Republican Jeff Ferguson, (Cash: $10,584; Raised: $13,471; Loans: $10,081), Republican Sid Saab, who also ran in 2010 (Cash: $19,318; Raised: $18,405; Loans: $36,000), Republican incumbent Del. Cathy Vitale
(Cash: $37,246; Raised: $19,083)
District 34: Harford: Open Senate seat, open House seat; (Jacobs is retiring, James running for Senate, Glass, Rudolph)
Filed for Senate: Republican Derek Howell, chairman of the Harford County Republican Central Committee (Cash: $7,759; Raised: $21.451) and Bob Cassilly, a Republican (Cash: $14,749; Raised: $17,849).
Longtime Democratic Del. Mary-Dulany James is running for the Senate seat (Cash: $50,072; Raised: $59,200).
34A: Two delegates, Harford (two members, Glass filed, James):
Filed for delegate: Republican Mike Blizzard (SBE website has no records for his fundraising committee), Democrat Marla Posey-Moss (Cash: $615; Raised: $2,061; Outstanding loans: $11,825)
Del. Glen Glass (Cash: $3,130; Raised: $4,670) filed Jan. 15.
34B: One delegate, Harford (McComas filed)
Delegate: Del. Susan McComas (Cash: $35,939.; Raised: $5,428)
District 35: Harford, Cecil; Open Senate seat, two open House seats (Glassman runs for executive, Norman runs for Senate, Stifler retiring)
Filed for Senate: Thomas J. Wilson (no active campaign committee), who filed Sept. 9. Del. Wayne Norman announced for Senate (Cash: $48,661; Raised: $41,100).
District 35A: One delegate, Cecil (Rudolph, Stifler retiring)
Del. David Rudolph (Cash: $17,293; Raised: $2,350)
Engineer and small business owner Kevin Bailey Hornberger, a Republican, filed Jan. 29, reports the Dagger News Service. (No campaign committee)
District 35B: Two delegates, Harford, Cecil
Filed: Republicans Andrew Cassilly,(Cash: $11,168; Raised: $16,413) and Teresa Reilly. (Cash: $15,867; Raised: $16,375)
District 36: Three delegates, Cecil, Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne’s (Hershey, J. Jacobs filed, Smigiel, Arentz filed)
Sen. Stephen Hershey (Cash: $37,988; Raised: $25,635)
Del. Michael Smigiel (Cash: $14,809; Raised: $15,943; Loans: $9,006)
Filed for delegate: Republican J.D. Uhler (Cash: $2,238; Raised: $9,529), Republican Jeff Ghrist (Cash: $629; Raised: $1,160), Republican Del. Jay Jacobs (Cash: $14,265; Raised: $20,991), Republican Del. Steven Arentz,($24,760; Raised: $24,760), Republican Rod Heinze (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending).
Former delegate Richard Sossi, who is also a recent staffer for U.S. Rep. Andy Harris is running for state Senate, reports the Easton Star Democrat. Sossi has a campaign finance account with $28,014 in cash and raised $9,940 last year, according to a report filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections. It has loans of $500. He filed Jan. 23.
District 37: Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico (Colburn filed)
UPDATED 9 P.M., 2/4/2014 Filed for Senate: Democrat Cheryl Everman withdrew from the race Jan. 10 due to health reasons, according to Josh Bollinger in the Easton Star-Democrat, but has not formally taken her name off the ballot. (Cash: $1,885; Raised: $1,890). Republican incumbent Sen. Richard Colburn (Cash: $31,994; Raised: $35,101). Colburn’s wife is seeking a divorce, and alleges in court papers that he had an affair with a former aide, reports Jennifer Shutt in the Salisbury Daily Times.
37A: One delegate (Cane filed),
Running for delegate: Del. Rudy Cane (Cash: $47,742; Raised: $250), Wicomico County Councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes, a Democrat (Cash: $7,147; Raised: $8,260)
The Daily Times reported that Cane had made a $6,000 contribution to Sample-Hughes before he changed his mind and decided to seek reelection.
District 37B: Two delegates (one open seat), Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline, Wicomico
(Colburn, Eckardt filed, Haddaway-Riccio runs for lieutenant governor)
Delegate race: St. Michael’s resident Johnny Mautz, a Republican (Cash: $44,200; Raised: $56,186), and Wicomico County businessman Christopher T. Adams, a Republican (Cash: $24,777.29; Raised: $26,165; Loans: $20,000), Dorchester County Economic Development Director Keasha Haythe, a Democrat (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending), and southern Eastern Shore cardiologist Dr. Rene Desmarais, a Republican (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending).
District 38: Somerset, Worcester (Mathias, Otto filed, McDermott filed for Senate)
Senate: Sen. Jim Mathias (Cash: $207,875; Raised: $142,795), Del. Mike McDermott, a Republican (Cash: $20,562; Raised: $13,285; Loans: $20,662), filed Sept. 16 for District 38 Senate after being drawn into the same district as another Republican, Del. Charles Otto.
District 38A: One delegate Del. Charles James Otto (Cash: $9,120; Raised: $2,600; Loans: $17,500) filed July 16 to run in the new single-member District 38A.
Crisfield Mayor Percy J. Purnell Jr. is running for delegate, citing concerns about the “livelihoods of watermen, farmers and residents,” according to Jennifer Shutt for the Salisbury Daily Times. (No campaign account)
District 38B: One delegate, Wicomico (Conway filed)
Delmar Mayor Carl Anderton (Cash: $2,450; Raised: $2,600) has announced he will challenge Del. Norman Conway (Cash: $89,566; Raised: $55,111)
38C: One delegate, Worcester Filed: Democrat Mike Hindi (filed affidavit of limited contributions and spending) and Republican Mary Beth Carozza. (Cash: $50,565; Raised: $72,897; Loans: $10,000), Judy Davis, a Democrat (Cash: $1,452; Raised: $3,548)
District 39: Three delegates, Montgomery (King , Barkley, Reznik, Robinson; all filed for reelection)
Senate: Sen. Nancy King (Cash: $91,050; Raised: $49,580)
Filed for delegate: Republican Xiangfei Cheng (Cash: $117; Raised: $425), Del. Charles Barkley (Cash: $91,538; Raised: $38,783)
District 40: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Pugh filed, Conaway filed, Robinson filed, Tarrant filed)
Sen. Catherine Pugh (Cash: $137,226; Raised: $89,622; Loans: $83,000)
Running for delegate: Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, a longtime civil rights leader in Baltimore (Cash: -$603.94; Raised: $3,000; Outstanding bills: $102). Democrats Rob “Bobby” LaPin, a former Baltimore City teacher and U.S. Army veteran (Cash: $7,124; Raised: $10,148; Loans: $2,983; Outstanding bills: $13,065), Quianna Cooke (no 2014 campaign finance statement on file). Del. Barbara Robinson, a Democrat (Cash: $20,837; Raised: $15,472), Democrat Antonio Hayes (Cash: $5,886; Raised: $6,069), Del. Frank Conaway (Cash: -$17,886; Raised: $61,515; Loans: $26,000); Del. Shawn Tarrant (Cash: $29,603; Raised: $36,954)
District 41: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Gladden filed, Carter filed, Oaks, Rosenberg filed)
Senate: Sen. Lisa Gladden (Cash: -$39,528; Raised: $18,315) Will Hanna announced for Senate (Cash: $2,532; Raised: $12,653; Loans: $11,303; Outstanding bills $800)
Filed for delegate: Michael Pearson (Cash: $0; Raised: $0) and Joyce Smith (Cash: $2,710; Raised: $4,765), Del. Jill Carter (Cash: $4,276; Raised: $5,286), Del. Sandy Rosenberg (Cash: $39,163; Raised: $39,872; Loans: $33,000) Del. Nathaniel Oaks is not filed but has a campaign account (Cash: $162,733; Raised: $16,705)
District 42: Baltimore County (Brochin, 42A Lafferty, new 42B, Aumann; Frank retiring, Boteler, Kach runs for council)
Senate: Democratic Sen. Jim Brochin (Cash: $228,744; Raised: $91,190) will face a primary challenge made more difficult by re-districting against former delegate Connie DeJuliis (Cash: $41,745; Raised: $59,400; Loans: $20,000), then known as Connie Galiazzo, reports Len Lazarick at Republican Chris Cavey is also in the general election race (Cash: $7,521; Raised: $12,609).
Cavey has the support of former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, who sent a fundraising solicitation on his behalf, reports John Wagner with The Washington Post. This means Brochin is being targeted by two former governors.
42A: One delegate, Baltimore County (Lafferty filed)
Del. Stephen Lafferty filed Jan. 23 (Cash: $85,867; Raised: $50,445)
Mike McAllister, a Republican, filed Jan. 21 (Has a campaign account but no records filed yet).
42B: Two delegates, Baltimore County (Boteler filed)
Running for delegate: Del. Susan Aumann (Cash: $63,061; Raised: $31,780), Del. Joseph C. Boteler III, a Republican (Cash: $5,954.96; Raised: $7,514.78), Republican Chris West (Cash: $10,143; Raised: $32,450), Republican Jesse Filamor (Cash: $11,000; Raised: $11,000).

Del. Maggie McIntosh is running for re-election in District 43 and got campaign contributions from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s campaign PAC.
District 43: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Conway filed, Anderson filed, McIntosh filed, Washington filed)
Senate: Sen. Joan Carter Conway (Cash: $106,060; Raised: $59,075), Democrat Bill Henry ($8,366; Raised: $9,475; Loans: $25,000)
Filed for delegate: Del. Maggie McIntosh, a Democrat and Del. Mary Washington, a Democrat, CORRECTED 9 P.M. 2/4/14, (Cash: $49,162; Raised $63,736) (Affidavit of Limited Contributions) Del. Curt Anderson (Cash: $4,773; Raised: $2,300)
McIntosh (Cash: $77,042; Raised: $87,047) was one of several candidates who got $1,000 campaign contributions from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s O’ Say Can You See PAC, reports John Fritze in The Baltimore Sun.
District 44: Baltimore City and County (Jones-Rodwell filed, Haynes, Mitchell, Stukes all filed for the same single-member district, 44A)
Del. Emmett Burns, now in the redrawn District 44 but formerly of District 10, is retiring. Sen. Verna Jones-Rodwell, a Democrat (Cash: $62,843; Raised: $78,798), filed for Senate Sept. 10, pitting her against Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam, who has filed for Senate (Cash: $79,983; Raised: $29,735). Nathan-Pulliam is formerly of District 10.
44A: One delegate, Baltimore City
Three incumbent delegates have filed for what has been redrawn to a single-member district: Del. Keiffer Mitchell Jr. (Cash: $24,464; Raised: $36,584), Del. Melvin Stukes (Cash: $10,726; Raised: $11,918), Del. Keith Haynes, (Cash: $31,838; Raised: $17,750; Loans: $5,300)
44B: Two delegates, Baltimore County (two open seats)
Filed for delegate: Rainier Harvey (Cash: $31,967; Raised: $50,835), Charles E. Sydnor, III (Cash: $9,298; Raised: $11,954), Woodlawn resident Aaron Barnett (Cash: $14,614; Raised: $24,750) and Pat Young (Cash: $33,428; Raised: $37,447; Loans: $29,000). More information is on Young’s campaign website. Frederick Ware-Newsome, a Democrat (Cash: -$104; Raised $1)
District 45: Three delegates, Baltimore City (McFadden filed, Branch filed, Glenn filed, Harper )
Senate: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden (Cash: $84,932; Raised: $108,103), political consultant Julius Henson (Cash: $1,725; Raised: $1,900)
McFadden was one of several candidates who got $1,000 campaign contributions from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s O’ Say Can You See PAC, reports John Fritze in The Baltimore Sun.
Delegate: Incumbent Dels. Talmadge Branch (Cash: $50,473; Raised: $58,690) and Cheryl Glenn ($52,103; Raised: $48,930) filed in January. Del. Nina Harper (Cash: $52,103; $48,930) has not, but has a campaign committee. Democrat Harry Spikes (Cash: $634; Raised: $1,200), Cory McCray (Cash: $40,651; Raised: $41,563) and Larry O. Wardlow, a Republican (filed affidavit of limited campaign contributions and spending)
Democrat Robert Stokes Sr. filed Jan. 30 (Cash: $1,912.; Raised: $2,395)
District 46: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Ferguson, Clippinger, Hammen, McHale is retiring.)
Senate: Sen. Bill Ferguson hasn’t filed but has a campaign account. (Cash: $121,036; Raised: $109,357)
Running for delegate: Civil rights lawyer Brooke Lierman (Cash: $104,493; Raised: $124,017), a Fells Point Democrat (Del. Brian McHale is retiring.) Incumbent Dels. Luke Clippinger (Cash: $51,633; Raised: $42,469) and Peter Hammen (Cash: $120,655; Raised: $84,935) haven’t filed but have campaign committees.
District 47: Three delegates, Prince George’s, two open delegate seats (Ramirez, Ivey running for lieutenant governor, Niemann running for council, Summers)
Senate: Sen. Victor Ramirez (Cash: $122,398; Raised: $70,878; Loans: $23,000) hasn’t filed but has a campaign committee.
District 47A: Two delegates,
Filed for delegate: Prince George’s Jimmy Tarlau (Cash: $56,786; Raised: $63,510), a Democrat, Diana Fennell, a Democrat (Cash: $19,395; Raised: $21,700; Loans: $18,000), Malcolm Augustine (Cash: $26,907; Raised: $31,003; Loans: $2,000)
District 47B: One delegate, Prince George’s
Delegate: Will Campos, a Democratic County Council member (Cash: $4,029; Raised: $1,650)
Overall fundraising coverage: Josh Kurtz of Center Maryland looks at campaign fundraising in state Senate races and says even shaky incumbents are in solid financial shape.
Maryland Juice offers a roundup of Montgomery County’s statewide race fundraising figures.
AFFIDAVIT OF LIMITED CONTRIBTUTIONS: “In lieu of filing a detailed campaign finance report, a political committee may file the Affidavit of Limited Contributions and Expenditures if the committee did not spend or receive more than $1,000 in the aggregate, exclusive of the filing fee, within a campaign finance reporting period. Please note, the Affidavit does not relieve the committee of any future reporting requirements and must be renewed every reporting period.”
“Once the political committee does exceed the $1,000 threshold, it must file a detailed campaign finance report at the subsequent filing period.” (Summary Guide, page 56)
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