State Roundup July 13, 2010

IMMIGRATION: Gov. O’Malley, who chairs a homeland security panel with the Arizona governor, offers tepid backing for Obama’s lawsuit against Arizona’s controversial immigration law, while rival and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich is eager to use the issue to energize his base, Julie Bykowicz reports for the Sun.  Read Brian Witte’s AP piece in the Salisbury Daily Times.

IMMIGRATION VIEWS: Sun editorial writers say that Dems must take a principled stand against Arizona’s draconian immigration law and refuse to pander to immigrant-bashing and racial profiling. And an Annapolis Capital editorialist says that while legal immigrants inspire, the system remains a mess.

DEAD HEAT: A new Rasmussen poll puts Dem Gov. O’Malley and GOP former Gov. Ehrlich in a statistical dead heat, Bryan Sears writes for Patuxent Publishing. And WJZ-TV’s Mike Hellgren reports that O’Malley dismisses the poll saying, “There’s going to be a new Republican poll (every week) and that’s part of their new strategy.” View the Rasmussen Report here.

O’MALLEY FACT-CHECK: Dave Collins of WBAL-TV fact-checks O’Malley’s first TV ad of this campaign season. Read and view the report here. And watch John Rydell’s piece for WBFF-TV on both the ad and the poll here.

DEBT WARNING: In an interview with Len Lazarick of, O’Malley reacts cautiously to warnings on the national debt.

CHEERLEADERS: Labor cheerleads for O’Malley and vows to deliver votes, blogs Julie Bykowicz for the Sun.

MPT INTERVIEWS: MPT’s plans to put candidate interviews online offends U.S. Senate hopeful Blaine Taylor, reports Megan Poinski for

COLLEGE PREP: O’Malley and Baltimore County’s exec will unveil a college readiness plan this morning, Linda So reports for WMAR-TV.

SIGN DOWN: Del. Eric Bromwell has removed a campaign sign promoting his and four other Democrats’ candidacy following a call from Baltimore County code enforcement officials, reports Bryan Sears of Patuxent Publishing.

RESIDENCY ISSUE: Frederick News-Post editorial writers says that House of Delegates candidate Scott Rolle may have temporarily violated the residency requirement, but it’s not enough to deny him a chance to run.

BALTIMORE CO. EXEC: The Sun’s Arthur Hirsch writes that three who want to be Baltimore County executive took questions on blight on Liberty Road, traffic congestion, public safety, education and economic development.

SEN. CARDIN: What do Sen. Ben Cardin, Norway and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have in common? ponders Ben Pershing in his blog for the Washington Post.

GREEN JOBS: View Tia Craddock’s report for WMAR-TV on U.S. Rep. Cummings and Sen. Cardin’s visit to Druid Hill Park, where 22 people, chosen from hundreds of job applicants, work to restore 9 acres of parkland.

MARC SERVICE: MTA chief Ralign Wells, caught in political and passenger crossfire, envisions a transit turnaround, writes Michael Dresser in the Sun.

FREDERICK MIS-FACTS: Patti Borda of the Frederick News-Post reports on a letter from the city mayor that says city residents received county tax bills containing “a factually incorrect and misleading comparison of the services city residents receive from the county and the city governments.”

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