State Roundup, November 19, 2009

There’s more detail on the state budget cuts from The Baltimore Sun’s Laura Smitherman and Scott Dance at the Baltimore Business Journal.

The Washington Post’s Aaron Davis reports on the controversy about the authority of the Board of Public Works to make all the cuts it has, particularly those to funding for private colleges and universities. The people complaining had opposed the cuts passed Wednesday, and Attorney General Doug Gansler says the BPW is within its rights.

The Diamondback at the University of Maryland College Park has more detail of the impact of the budget cuts on the flagship campus.

The Sun has a full-court press on Mayor Sheila Dixon’s trial, including a story, analysis and columns by Jean Marbella, Dan Rodricks and Laura Vozzella. The Post picked up some of the Sun’s coverage.

The Daily Record gives the assessment of two white-collar defense attorneys.“Not only is this a missing-witness case but it’s a missing-victim case,” said attorney Timothy Maloney, the former delegate and political insider.

Rob Lang of WBAL Radio has more coverage of the Dixon trial, as do all the Baltimore TV stations.

In a bizarre controversy out of the trial, Baltimore Brew’s Fern Shen reports that Sun reporters are defending themselves from charges that they were not “tweeting” enough. The brew also has more on-the-scene coverage from Melody Simmons.

Energy-saving upgrades at Baltimore’s stadiums were approved by the Board of Public Works, reports Nick Sohr at The Daily Record. Ryan Sharrow at the Baltimore Business Journal provides additional details.

Post columnist Bob McCartney takes a critical view of Prince George’s County Sheriff Michael Jackson and his race for executive there. He calls Jackson’s defense of his officers actions, such as the killing of two dogs in a botched raid at the home of the Berwyn Heights mayor, “scary.”

Del. Saqib Ali is planning to introduce a bill that would put committee votes online, reports John Wagner on the Post Blog.

After touring the University System’s Hagerstown center, House Speaker Michael Busch told Andy Schotz at the Herald-Mail that he didn’t expect a third battle over funding for the center.

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.

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