Day: October 12, 2014

Hogan says Brown is stealing his message as race tightens

Hogan says Brown is stealing his message as race tightens

Larry Hogan Jr., the Republican nominee for governor, said his Democratic opponent, Anthony Brown, is suddenly changing his campaign message to match Hogan’s, because polls are showing a message of tax relief is resonating with Maryland voters.

Rascovar: Brown, Hogan lying to voters

Rascovar: Brown, Hogan lying to voters

Whoever is elected Maryland governor on Nov. 4 will have some s’plain’ to do to the state’s citizens.

Why did you lie to us?

Why did you make wild allegations out of whole cloth?

Why did you deceive us?

Both Democrat Anthony Brown and Republican Larry Hogan Jr. are guilty as charged, though Brown is by far the worse offender.

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