Tag: Welfare
Md. welfare benefits better than most European cou...
By Len Lazarick | September 1, 2015 | News | 2 |
Struggles of low-paid Marylanders misrepresented in flawed report
by Len Lazarick | September 1, 2015 | News | 4 |
The insinuation that Marylanders would rather receive public assistance than work is not only insulting, but factually incorrect. The reality is that the safety net provides many Maryland families with support at critical moments, particularly when they aren’t paid enough to meet the cost of necessities.
Read MoreMd. welfare benefits better than most European countries, think-tank claims
by Len Lazarick | September 1, 2015 | News | 2 |
A new report by libertarian think-tank Cato Institute asserts that Maryland’s welfare benefits are higher than almost every European country, with the exception of Denmark and the United Kingdom.
“It’s clear that welfare benefits in Maryland are sufficiently high that they can act as a disincentive to work,” said Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and lead author of the study. “Maryland should be re-examining its welfare policies to put more emphasis on work.”
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