Tag: Van Mitchell

Senators begin trimming Hogan budget

Senators on the budget committee on Tuesday began doing the only things they can do with Gov. Larry Hogan’s $42.3 billion budget — cutting it around the edges and fencing off money for special purposes. That included a $58 million cut in Medicaid reimbursement to health care providers — based on lower enrollment estimates — and cutting part of Hogan’s modest legislative agenda, $3 million for Early Graduation Scholarships for students who complete high school in three years or less.

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Private sector experience a key quality of Hogan cabinet picks

In introducing his nominees for another six cabinet posts Tuesday, Gov.-elect Larry Hogan Jr. emphasized again that they were “talented, diverse and bipartisan.” But in addition to some government experience relevant to their new jobs — often in the Ehrlich administration that Hogan served as well — the governor-elect would always point out another quality the appointees had in common — private sector experience.

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