Tag: special session
State’s GOP lawmakers say new congressional map ignores the wishes of many Marylanders
by Bryan Renbaum | December 13, 2021 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
The General Assembly largely ignored the wishes of a significant portion of the state’s electorate in a recent vote to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of congressional redistricting legislation favored by Democrats, several of Maryland’s GOP lawmakers said Monday.
Read MoreGambling win gives Senate president the ‘sine die’ he expected 4 months ago
by Len Lazarick | August 15, 2012 | News | 6 |
By the bare minimum of 71 votes, the House of Delegates Monday night gave Senate President Mike Miller the kind of “sine die” adjournment he had expected April 9: The delegates passed a bill asking voters in November to approve table games and a sixth gambling casino in Prince George’s County.
Read MoreAudio: Pit bull owners demonstrate and testify on legislation
by Len Lazarick | August 10, 2012 | News | 1 |
Duane Keenan for MarylandReporter.com provides this audio report on the demonstration and then the hearing on legislation to overturn a court ruling that declared all pit-bulls as inherently dangerous dogs. The ruling does not sit well with owners of friendly pits. They point out that it is wrong to discriminate against one particular kind of dog. Also, holding landlords responsible for the actions of pet-owning tenants means some dog owners may have to get rid of their four-footed family members.
Read MoreSpecial sessions give taste of full-time legislature – a bad one
by Len Lazarick | May 21, 2012 | Annapolitics Blog, General Assembly, Governor, News | 8 |
Last week’s special session and another that seems likely to be called in mid-summer gave us all a taste how a full-time legislature might feel. It feels lousy. The states that make lawmaking full-time don’t really seem more wise or productive, despite higher pay and bigger staffs.
Read MorePodcasts: Protesters demonstrate against tax hikes; Miller explains session, O’Donnell objects
“Shame on them for not doing the people’s work in the time frame that they had… They raise our taxes, we put less food on the table,” said a Carroll County protester. Senate President Mike Miller says, “It would have been nice if we could have got it done in the 90-day session.”
Read MorePressure mounts for special session from groups impacted by budget cuts
by Len Lazarick | April 30, 2012 | Governor, News | 6 |
The pressure is mounting for a special session to raise the taxes that failed to pass as the legislature adjourned April 9 and “fix” a “doomsday” budget with cuts that had been specifically designed to scare up votes for tax hikes.
Details have not been worked out, but legislators have been advised that Gov. Martin O’Malley will likely call a special session for the week of May 14.
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