Tag: President Barack Obama

Ruppersberger: Obama made ‘big mistake’ in handling phone surveillance controversy

Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called Edward Joseph Snowden, who recently leaked classified information about the National Security Agency, “a legend in his own mind,” and said President Obama made “a big mistake” in saying he had informed Congress about the surveillance of phone records, when he actually had not.

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O’Malley continues to lead Ehrlich in latest poll, 47% to 42%, with few undecided

Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley leads Republican ex-gov. Bob Ehrlich 47% to 42%, with only 6% of the electorate undecided, according to a Gonzales Research poll taken last week. Four percent will vote for one of the three minor-party candidates.

The poll of 816 likely voters interviewed by telephone last week is the latest survey in the past month to show O’Malley pulling ahead in the race, despite the fact that Gonzales expects Republican voter turnout to be higher than usual and Democrats to turn out in fewer numbers. The margin of error is 3.5%.

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Some confusion in Md. on federal health reform

The state is taking the first steps in implementing the federal health care reform bill, but officials are still struggling to get clarification on many parts of the new law.

Maryland’s new Health Care Reform Coordinating Council held its first meeting Thursday, resolving to find the best way to implement provisions of the landmark federal health care overhaul.

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