Tag: open government

Sponsor of new open government committee proposes improvements

The governor Thursday signed legislation creating a Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government that specifically notes that “Maryland’s overall rankings on government transparency by prominent national organizations continues to lag behind other states.” Just before the bill signing, Del. Heather Mizeur, the lead sponsor, handed House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller a memo giving an overview of proposals for the new committee to take up.

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Assembly website called “antiquated”

The Maryland State House is the oldest in the nation in continuous legislative use, and to some users, the legislature’s website looks like it’s been around since the dawn of the Internet as well.

“It’s an antiquated website,” said Sen. Mike Lenett, a Montgomery County Democrat who is one of the drivers behind an open government push this year. “The General Assembly website is not user-friendly by any means.”

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