Tag: Nancy Grasmick

Budget problems even bigger than expected, Hogan says; more of transition team announced

Confronted with projections of state deficits far into the future, incoming Gov.-Elect Larry Hogan admitted Monday “quite frankly even I am surprised at the magnitude of the problem, and the task ahead of us is vast.”

Last Wednesday, the legislature’s budget analysts told lawmakers that there was already a $300 million deficit in the current budget, and another $600 million shortfall in fiscal 2016.

“The problem seems even greater than we expected it to be,” Hogan told reporters as he announced new members of his transition team.

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Advocates urge senators to prevent proposed cut in per-pupil spending

Despite the state’s continuing problems balancing its budget, education advocates – from State Superintendent Nancy Grasmick to community leaders – pleaded with members of a Senate budget subcommittee on Friday not to cut funds from schools.

Gov. Martin O’Malley has proposed a total of $6.4 billion for public school education in his fiscal year 2012 budget, a figure he described as “level funding.” But the total amount winds up being 4.6% less than schools are receiving in the current fiscal year, due to a loss of federal stimulus dollars.

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