Maryland charges big fines for skipping small tolls
by Meg Tully | December 5, 2019 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
As Maryland moves toward all-electronic toll billing and constituents complain about high fines that total thousands of dollars in some cases, two lawmakers are working to reduce the penalties for late video toll payments. Drivers who go through toll facilities without paying are sent a video toll invoice. If the video toll is not paid within 30 days, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) issues a citation with a $50 civil penalty.
Read MoreSidebar: Out-of-state drivers owe Md. $102 million in video tolls, fines
The Maryland Transportation Authority is also in the process of contracting for a collections agency to go after out-of-state drivers, which is expected to be implemented sometime after the 3G transition. Earlier this year, the state said out-of-state drivers have racked up $102 million in unpaid video tolls and fines.
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