Tag: Korea
Asian Sister State programs honor First Lady Yumi Hogan
by Len Lazarick | August 27, 2015 | News | 0 |
Maryland’s Asian Sister States program, along with representatives of the ambassadors of China, Korea and Japan, honored First Lady Yumi Hogan at a welcome reception Thursday hosted by UMBC’s Asian Studies Program. Mrs. Hogan, a native of South Korea, is the first Asian American to serve as a state’s first lady in the country.
Read MoreO’Malley’s Asian trip can build important relationships, experts say
by Len Lazarick | May 24, 2011 | News | 0 |
Marylanders familiar with Asian cultural dynamics all agree: Gov. Martin O’Malley’s 10-day trade mission to China, South Korea and Vietnam that begins next Tuesday will be worth the time, effort and money spent, because the trip will reap both economic rewards and “guan-xi.” “In simple terms, ‘guan-xi’ means relationships, but it’s more than that,” TowsonGlobal Business Incubator Director Clay HicksonHickson said. “It means reciprocal relationships. Not relationships made on the fly, but made over time. That’s what it’s all about.”
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