Tag: jobs

Maryland emergency bill would provide financial support for port workers after Key Bridge collapse   

Maryland legislators are advancing an emergency bill to provide financial assistance for workers whose jobs are affected by the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the Port of Baltimore. The PORT Act will also provide relief for small businesses to pay their workers in an effort to keep their companies afloat.

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Maryland leaders play down prospects of tax hikes

Marylanders worried that talk of looming billion-dollar state deficits could lead to tax hikes got some reassuring words Wednesday from the Democratic governor and Senate president. “Any conversation around taxes, people need to understand that my bar for that is very, very high,” Gov. Wes Moore told reporters.

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Fast Cars and Bad Policies: How Game Changer Programs Hurt Working-Class Baltimoreans

The new talk of the town is governor-elect Wes Moore’s baby bonds program.  Throughout his campaign, Moore pitched the baby bonds program as a way to ensure that infants born in poverty arrive at adulthood in a more equal economic situation as their wealthier peers. With this program, every child born in Medicaid—largely Black and Latino–could get $3,200.

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Adding 9,200 jobs in July gives Marylanders reason to celebrate, economist says

Job numbers released on Friday (Aug. 21) gave Marylanders a reason to celebrate this past July’s activity. The revision of the June job numbers moved figures from an initial loss of 6,200 jobs between May and June to a loss of 3,400 jobs. However, July preliminary job estimates reported a 9,200 job increase from June to July.
Maryland’s economy has grown significantly since July 2014, adding an estimated 53,700 jobs to payrolls.

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Support for Md. workforce training program unites business and workers

You might not expect a CEO and a person without a job to agree on legislation, but there are exceptions. Marylanders Mark Rice and Paul Behler live in very different circumstances — Rice is the owner of a Baltimore City manufacturing plant and Behler is one of the city’s unemployed. But both support a new state program signed into law Tuesday that will fund the training of Maryland’s workforce.

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Fighting Irish: O’Malley, McDonnell, Biden, Ryan and Hogan

The Irish were at it again on Sunday morning: Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, liberal Democrat, sparring on Meet the Press with Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, conservative Republican. Both chair their party’s governors association.

O’Malley was defending Vice President Joe Biden of the loose lips and McDonnell took up for the Republican vice presidential nominee designee, Rep. Paul Ryan of the tight budget.

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Md. job losses cause partisan tussle

The conservative advocacy group Change Maryland charged Monday that “Maryland has lost more jobs so far this year than any other state in the nation according to the U.S. Department of Labor,” losing “just over 10,000 jobs since the beginning of this year.”
Gov. Martin O’Malley’s press office questioned the figures, and said the organization was cherry-picking numbers to fit in with its partisan Republican agenda. Both sides in the dispute were using figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but they chose a different starting point. Using the end of December as a starting point, Maryland had only lost 1,200 jobs this year.

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