Tag: Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio
Md. has provided more than $9 million in COVID-19 relief funds for agriculture and seafood producers
by Bryan Renbaum | December 29, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
The state of Maryland has now provided more than $9 million in COVID-19 relief funds to support agriculture and seafood producers.
Read MoreJunior GOP delegates make another attempt to oust House Minority Leader O’Donnell
by Len Lazarick | April 22, 2013 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
A movement led by junior Republican delegates is underway to replace Maryland GOP House Minority Leader Tony O’Donnell and Minority Whip Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio. Second term Del. Nicholaus Kipke, 34, Anne Arundel, and freshman Del. Kathy Szeliga, 51, Baltimore and Harford counties, have been named by party insiders as the team running to replace O’Donnell, 52, and House Whip, Eastern Shore Del. Haddaway-Riccio, 35.
Read MoreHouse of Delegates rejects proposal to return $1 billion taken from highway funds
by Len Lazarick | March 14, 2013 | Governor, News | 15 |
During floor debate over the state budget, the Maryland House of Delegates rejected an amendment that would restore $1.1 billion in funds that had been taken from highway user revenues to pay the state’s bills during budget shortfalls since 2003. Del. Susan Krebs, R- Carroll, who introduced the amendment, argued Wednesday that the state had an obligation to restore these highway revenues before asking motorists to pay additional tolls and gas taxes.
Read MoreHouse passes final budget and tax hikes, with some Democrats opposed
by Len Lazarick | May 16, 2012 | Governor, News, Taxes | 3 |
The action on the budget and tax hikes was all over but the shouting by Republicans as the House of Delegates approved a final spending plan, shifting half of pension costs to the counties, and raising state income taxes on people making over $100,000 per year. Republicans opposed the move, joined by 10 Democrats against the budget change and pension move, and 18 opposed to the tax increases.
Read MoreRepublicans oppose calling special session, as unions organize to support one
Republican legislators and conservative groups are mounting a campaign against a special session of the legislature to raise taxes, as teachers and public employees advocates are organizing to bring the lawmakers back to Annapolis to do just that.
Read MoreHouse of Delegates gives Maryland judges raises up to $14,500
by Len Lazarick | March 13, 2012 | Governor, News | 0 |
The House of Delegates passed pay increases of up to $14,500 for Maryland judges Tuesday in an 84-47 vote. The delegates were convinced they were out of time to get the Senate to agree to a smaller increase of $4,800, before an automatic $29,000 raise took effect on Thursday.
Read MoreGOP delegates object to rule change on debate
by Len Lazarick | February 9, 2012 | News | 3 |
A change to the House of Delegates to curtail “dilatory or frivolous” conduct was approved Thursday morning, but not without rounds of objections from the chamber’s Republican minority.
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