Tag: Dan Friedman

Budget agreement reached, ditching provisions on stormwater, House of Cards

House and Senate negotiators working out their differences in the $38.7 billion state budget reached agreement Thursday evening, eliminating provisions on stormwater fees and “House of Cards” property. An alternative to the stormwater remediation fee proposed by Anne Arundel Sen. James DeGrange was ultimately eliminated from the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (BRFA).

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New electronic bill review system saves time, money

Dan Friedman was a happy man as he sat last Thursday watching the governor sign the last of more than 740 bills the legislature enacted this year.

For Friedman, the counsel to the General Assembly, and his staff it marked the end of intense weeks of legal review that involved lawyers on the attorney general’s staff in many agencies of the state government. Each year, after the legislators go home, the lawyers have to review each proposed law for “constitutionality” and “legal sufficiency” – making sure that each bill really ought to be a law.

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