Tag: Aisha Braveboy

Attorney general candidates debate

The infamous undecided voters of the June 24 primary election that are dominating media polls were a no-show at the first Democratic debate for state attorney general.

Frank Auditorium at the University of Maryland College Park had ample space, but almost all of the participants in attendance were supporters of the three candidates – Sen. Brian Frosh of Montgomery County, Del. Jon Cardin of Baltimore County and Del. Aisha Braveboy of Prince George’s. Media made up the rest.

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At the first mile-marker in the money race for the 2014 campaign

Money can’t buy you love, but in campaigns, it can buy you lots of other things: attention, status, respect, advertising, mailers, staff and headlines. The candidates with the most money don’t always win. But they win most of the time since they often happen to be incumbents. An incumbent in any office with solid money in the bank, high name recognition and low negatives will win.

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Senate Finance Committee kills $3 hike in minimum wage

A bill to raise Maryland’s minimum wage to $10 an hour died in the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday. It was defeated in an 8-3 vote with several senators explaining that they opposed the legislation in spite of their sympathy for low-wage workers because the timing was not right for a wage increase.

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Proposed new referendum requirements will be amended, election law subcommittee chair Cardin says

The Referendum Integrity Act, a bill that’s been lambasted as voter suppression, contains numerous clauses that could potentially disqualify thousands of online petition signature pages before they are even signed. But the chairman of the subcommittee in charge of HB493, Del. Jon Cardin, who is also a co-sponsor, says his goal in reforming petition legislation is not to make the process more difficult.

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Paid sick leave supported in poll, but businesses leery

An overwhelming 82% of Maryland voters support a proposal to force all employers to provide paid sick days based upon the number of hours worked, according to a poll done for the Jobs Opportunities Task Force. This poll comes in advance of hearings Wednesday on several pieces of legislation that seek to expand worker’s rights and increase employers’ obligations

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Black Caucus to submit legislative redistricting maps this week, seeking more black senators

The Legislative Black Caucus plans on submitting General Assembly redistricting maps to the Governor’s Redistricting Advisory Committee (GRAC) this week, saying black voters are under-represented in the legislature. “We can’t operate in the same way we’ve operated in the past because we’re going to run afoul of the Voting Rights Act,” said the Black Caucus Redistricting Committee chair, Del. Aisha Braveboy.

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