Chase Leo

The basics of Investing in Silver

The basics of Investing in Silver

In an age where digital transactions and cryptocurrencies are the norms, the concept of precious metals as a form of currency might seem outdated to many Millennials and Gen Zers. However, there's a compelling case to be made for considering silver not just as a relic...

8 Tips for an Off-Season Trip to Portugal

8 Tips for an Off-Season Trip to Portugal

Portugal is brimming with color and life and draws eager travelers in droves throughout the peak tourist seasons. Have you ever considered the charm of this vibrant country during the off-season? Free of the bustling crowds and simmered down to its authentic essence,...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) at Home

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is an effective and non-invasive procedure that has a long history of therapeutic applications. The user’s body is exposed to pressurized oxygen (95%) and under this oxygen concentration, the level of dissolved oxygen in blood plasma...