Advertising rates

For Sponsored Content rates, please send an email to [email protected]

Leaderboard (728 x 90) Runs at top of every page. $1,100 per month. Contact us for prices






Medium Rectangle or cube (300 x 250) $300 per month



Advertise in Daily Newsletter

We do a daily e-mail newsletter that goes out Monday through Friday to over 7.000 people. Advertisers or sponsors can purchase a leaderboard ad that will run at the middle of the newsletter. It includes the option of a 100-word text ad in the State Roundup and newsletter.

Leaderboard (728 x 90)

One week (minimum; 5 insertions): $300 per week. Contact us for prices

Text ad in State Roundup and newsletter, $300 per week. Contact us for prices


Our best deal is a special package that includes two ad sizes that may rotate throughout the month, and full month of the leaderboard in the newsletter, all for $1,200.  Nonprofit groups get 25% discount. 

Advertising Policy accepts funding, advertising and sponsorships from many different sources, but we do not accept political campaign advertising from any party, candidate or slate – any ad requiring a state-mandated “authority” line. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the IRS prohibits from engaging in lobbying or political activity. But as part of our mission to provide the broadest possible coverage of state government and politics, we do accept ads from organizations taking advocacy positions for one point of view or another. Accepting any advertisement or sponsorship does not indicate support or opposition to any position, and we welcome the advertising of opposing views. We do reserve the right to reject ads because of content that is libelous, profane or misleading.


Len Lazarick

6392 Shadowshape Place,

Columbia, Md. 21045,


For newsletter ads, contact: [email protected]