Food Freedom Reviews: Is Food Freedom Online Program Legit? Read User Report

Food Freedom Reviews: Is Food Freedom Online Program Legit? Read User Report

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Henry Cobb, a 43-year-old history professor from Colorado, wrote Food Freedom as a survival guide.

Henry claims to have created Food Freedom with the assistance of an unidentified individual named “R.” (later revealed to be Ray). Ray overheard Henry speaking at a PTA meeting and invited him to share his knowledge with the rest of the world. Ray has a ranch about 25 minutes outside the town, where he grows his own food.

Henry and Ray wanted to warn the rest of the world. So Henry compiled Ray’s knowledge into Food Freedom, created the Food Freedom video presentation, and shared it all online in order to assist others before the crisis began.

Henry Cobb’s contact information is not available.

What is Food Freedom?

Henry Cobb’s Food Freedom is an online program that will teach people how to survive if the supply chain fails in the future. The Food Freedom Online Program is a collection of eBooks and videos that explain how to prepare for impending global food shortages. Henry Cobb is the creator of the Food Freedom program.

Food Freedom contains methods for surviving the impending crisis, such as building their aquaponics system, growing food at home, and storing necessary survival items in the event of a disaster.

According to Henry Cobb, Food Freedom will give the most important message. After watching the Food Freedom video and purchasing the book, people will be able to learn how to help save lives.

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How Does Food Freedom Work?

Food Freedom is a collection of videos and an eBook that explains how to prepare for impending food shortages.

Food Freedom teaches people how to secure their food supply, by growing food and protecting their family, wherever they are – even if they lack experience. It is led by Henry and a mysterious survivalist named Ray.

Food Freedom’s key features include:

  • How to build a two-part aquaponics system with an almost limitless supply of fish and vegetables
  • The best survival seeds for the seed vault
  • How to Grow 100 Pounds of Food in a 4 Square Foot Container
  • Long-term food storage methods
  • How to construct a geodome to grow food all year, even in the dead of winter
  • Other strategies, tips, and tools people will need to deal with the impending crisis

This information was created by Henry for people of all levels of experience. Food Freedom can help people survive upcoming food shortages whether people live in the city or the country, lack experience or have decades of experience.

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Food Freedom Online Program Evaluations

According to the creators of Food Freedom, people may only have months or weeks to prepare for a global supply chain collapse, which could have disastrous consequences for people and their families.

Who Created the Food Freedom Program?

Food Freedom was created by Henry Cobb, a 43-year-old history professor from southern Colorado.

What Will People Discover in Food Freedom?

Food Freedom discusses some of the most basic and effective methods for securing the family’s food future.

The goal of Food Freedom is to demonstrate how to live completely off the grid while still providing food for the family.

Henry Cobb discusses the following topics in his introduction to the program:

  1. The three causes of food shortages and the best way to prepare for upcoming supply chain shortages
  2. How to deal with “economic inflation,” which will cause food prices to skyrocket in the coming months
  3. What should people do if the food supply runs out, and how can people obtain an infinite supply of food

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Why Henry Cobb Thinks People Are On the Verge of a Food Crisis

Henry Cobb claims he is not a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prepper; rather, he is just an ordinary guy who began to pay attention.

Henry wasn’t looking for a reason to warn people about the impending apocalypse. He was paying attention to what was going on around him and had a growing sense that something was “wrong.”

It’s not just the pandemic, according to Henry, but everything about today’s world. After studying the rises and falls of empires, Henry claims that he sees many parallels in today’s society. That is why Henry believes we are on the verge of a catastrophic collapse.

These three factors, according to Henry, are all early warning signs of an impending collapse:

  • Manpower shortages
  • Food scarcity
  • Shortages in the supply chain

Businesses are having difficulty finding qualified employees. Everything has risen in price. There are supply chain shortages, making it difficult to manufacture goods to meet demand.

Rather than seeing these issues as temporary stumbling blocks in a unique global economy, Henry sees them as indicators of a “supply chain meltdown” that will make it impossible to get food or water from the local grocery store.

People can prepare for the apocalypse, secure their food supply, and protect the family by following Henry’s advice.

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Henry Cobb Foresees a Food Crisis

Henry Cobb believes that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, combined with US sanctions, will cause a food crisis soon. In addition, he mentioned collapse triggers that impact food shortages.

The following are the collapse triggers:

  1. Natural Caused Disaster
  2. Food prices are rising.
  3. Failure of the Supply Chain

First Trigger – Natural Disaster

Natural disasters wreak havoc on food supplies, resulting in higher food prices and increased social unrest. Social unrest disrupts supply chains, exacerbating the problem.

In today’s world, Henry observes similar trends:

  • Brazil is currently experiencing its worst drought in history.
  • Brazil produces the majority of the world’s soybeans.
  • 98 percent of all soybeans grown in the world are used to feed livestock.
  • Meat prices have risen as a result of increased soybean shortages.
  • Droughts are also at an all-time high in the United States. Summer temperatures rise, making crop cultivation more difficult. According to Henry, the drought could result in a 98 percent decrease in wheat production.
  • Other evidence pointing to a food crisis, according to Henry, includes rising global temperatures, flooding in China, and other “unprecedented” events.
  • COVID-19 could also be considered a natural disaster because it precipitated the escalation of supply chain issues.

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Second Trigger – Rising Food Prices

Food prices are skyrocketing. Grocery stores are becoming more expensive, and restaurant chains are increasing their prices on a monthly basis.

Henry believes that people are on the verge of reaching a point where food prices are so high that ordinary people cannot afford to buy groceries.

Social unrest ensues when food becomes prohibitively expensive for ordinary people to purchase. This social unrest will cause chaos on the streets, exacerbating supply chain issues.

Third trigger – Supply Chain Failure

Supply chains fail due to a combination of natural disasters and social unrest.

Yes, the world has survived natural disasters and social unrest in the past. However, Henry claims that humans used two strategies to get out of previous crises:

  1. Cooperation among countries
  2. Intact supply chains

During previous disasters, countries would collaborate to release food reserves and solve various problems.

Today, Henry claims that countries aren’t cooperating with one another. They’re barricading themselves in order to preserve their food supply.

Even if countries worked together, they would be unable to ship goods worldwide due to supply chain issues.

According to Henry, a lack of cooperation and supply chain issues will result in the apocalypse. Henry refers to it as “The Great Unravelling,” and he claims that a specific event will precipitate the collapse.

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What exactly is The Great Unravelling?

Food Freedom’s goal is to teach people how to prepare the family for The Great Unravelling. Henry believes The Great Unravelling is only a matter of months, days, or weeks away. People can protect their families and avoid starvation by taking specific steps today.

The Great Unravelling will result in:

  1. Street chaos and social unrest
  2. Worldwide mass starvation
  3. rise in the demand for government assistance
  4. Lawlessness

What Will People Discover in Food Freedom?

The Food Freedom blog discusses various topics related to survival, food supplies, and self-sufficiency.

Here are some of the topics covered in Food Freedom:

  • How to Acquire Mineral and Vitamin-Rich Food Supplies
  • How to Build an Aquaponics System with Living Fish and Plants.
  • How to Make a Transportable Garden of Eden
  • How to Make a Sturdy Geometric Dome for Growing the Own Fruits and Vegetables
  • How to Get Ready to Live Off the Grid for 10 to 20 Years.
  • How to Grow 100 Pounds of Food in 4 Square Feet of Space Without Sunlight

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What Is Involved in Food Freedom?

Food Freedom includes a collection of guides and eBooks that teach people everything people need to know to prepare for the impending food shortage.

People will gain access to all of the following as a result of the purchase:

  • You Can Do It Yourself Aquaponics
  • Create Your Own Geodome
  • 33 Things You will Need for Long-Term Food Storage


  • Vault of Survival Seeds
  • Make Your Own Potato Planter
  • Access to the Exclusive Members Area

The Price of Food Freedom

The cost of the Food Freedom program is $37.

It is a one-time fee. The fee is $37, and people will have immediate access to Food Freedom. The program can be downloaded immediately and used to put the principles into action.

Refunds Policy

A 180-day money-back guarantee backs food Freedom.

People have 180 days from the date people purchased the Food Freedom program to request a full refund. They are entitled to a full refund if people are dissatisfied with the contents of Food Freedom or if the apocalypse does not occur within the next 180 days.

Conclusion: Food Freedom

The Food Freedom blueprint is a highly recommended online program that will assist people in surviving future supply chain disruptions. Food Freedom is a collection of videos, PDFs, and eBooks that explain how to prepare for a global food supply collapse.

To learn more about the Food Freedom breakthrough and how it works, or order the Survival Guide online today, visit


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