It is no secret that the American healthcare system is broken and immoral. While other industrialized nations have achieved universal coverage, millions of Americans remain underinsured or uninsured, unable to afford the care they need. We have prioritized profits over people for too long, leaving communities across Maryland to suffer.
While Maryland’s expansion of Medicaid has significantly reduced the rate of the uninsured, critical gaps remain. To0 many Marylanders are still without insurance, and those living in or near poverty are almost three times as likely to be uninsured. Even those with insurance face barriers due to high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses, preventing access to lifesaving medications and medical services. This is especially true for rural areas like the Eastern Shore, where residents often travel more than two hours or even out of state for essential care.
The disparities go deeper. Maryland’s current healthcare system perpetuates inequities between white and minority patients, resulting in a lower standard of care and higher mortality rates for patients of color. This is unacceptable in any society that claims to value equality and justice.
The Commission on Universal Health Care would be a transformative step forward. By creating a structured, informed approach to designing a state universal health care program, this commission can chart a path to lower costs, better outcomes, and a system that works for everyone. Maryland needs to find a way to afford the moral and financial cost of maintaining the status quo.
It’s time for the Maryland General Assembly to act. The people of this state are tired of a broken, corrupt healthcare system. Passing this commission would be a victory not just for the Eastern Shore but for all Marylanders. Universal health care will save money, improve lives, and ensure that no one is left behind.
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