How To Buy Biospecimen Products For Research

How To Buy Biospecimen Products For Research

Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay

As medical science advances, researchers and clinicians are finding new ways to use biologicsto create products that help people live longer and healthier lives. So far, notable breakthroughs in this industry stem from quality research on human biospecimens, including blood, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine, and stool.

Scientists frequently use human cells in immunology studies and to understand how certain diseases develop in the body, and what causes them to progress. Through that, they can develop drugs and gene therapies, thus providing solutions for the treatment of diseases, like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even AIDs.

To conduct proper research and develop quality immune cell products, researchers need to find immune cells that are of high quality, are available in large numbers, and are isolated from their original source. This is where the challenge lies. The shortage of ethical human biospecimen (HBS) providers makes research even costlier while reducing the number of samples needed to gather enough data. Cytologics is a company offering researcher the option to buy PBMCs.

Is there a way out? Are there suppliers out there who can provide researchers with quality specimens at reasonable prices? Do these suppliers deliver on time? And most importantly, do they have the required expertise to support their customers in every aspect of their research? Let’s find out from this guide.

Why Source Biospecimens from a Recognized Provider?

The increasing number of immune cell-based products on the market has raised concerns about the ethics, safety, and quality of samples. Although this influx addresses the growing demand for biospecimens, researchers must understand what measures their providers have in place to ensure they only source from well-characterized and appropriately consenteddonors.

With that in mind, here are four reasons researchers and manufacturers need to source their samples from reputable suppliers.

Access to High-Quality Biospecimens

Research projects involving processes such as immune cell isolation and biomarker studies call for the use of abuffy coat as the starting material. This anticoagulated blood sample fraction allows scientists to purify cells in large amounts. The best part? They only require a small number of samples to accomplish this. However, the outcome depends on the sample quality.

If the starting material is low quality, the the quality of the extracted cells and proteins will be poor. Thus, to ensure the integrity of samples, researchers should source biospecimens from recognized suppliers. These providers guarantee the best human material via state-of-the-art preservation technologies and strict quality control measures.

Supply of Quality Biospecimens in Large Batches

Researchers and manufacturers can access large quantities of high-quality and diverse human biospecimens from quality suppliers at competitive prices. They include fresh and cryopreserved products, like cytotoxic T cells, CD19 B cells, NK cells, and Pan T cells. With increased availability, clients can improve the rate of sample turnaround time, reducing cost and accelerating diagnostic development, drug discovery and biomedical research.

Reputable suppliers subject their biospecimens to stringent regulatory testing to ensure they are free from contaminants andhave high cell viability and yield. It entails screening and processing these samples under controlled conditions. Their state-of-the-art facilities allow for the complete extraction and purification of high-quality cell populations.Finally, each order comes with the correct cell count aliquoted into the correct number of vials.

The Application of Ethical Sourcing Techniques

In addition to providing ample samples, reputable suppliers ensure they are ethically sourced. In most cases, human subject research and requires the approval of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or other similar ethical committee.  Biospecimen suppliers should be working with reputable IRBs registered with either the Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) and/or accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP). Furthermore, samples should be sourcedfollowing informed consent of the donors. This means that the donors know and understand that their biospecimens may be used for research or commercialized.

Informed consent documents may also stimulate that donor specimens will undergo infectious disease testing, which may disclose information about their health. This is done to minimize the chance of transmitting diseases during processing or downstream research applications. Donors are not oblivious to the fact that their samples may be used for innovative medical discoveries, tests, and products with commercial value for which they may not be compensated.

Reputable HBS suppliers guarantee their clients the legal and ethical requirements of sourcing human biospecimens. For example, researchers who conduct PBMC isolation can buy PBMCs at competitive prices from suppliers, whose donors have been thoroughly screened and properly consented.

Steps to Buy Quality Biospecimen

Researchers and manufacturers who intend to purchase high-quality biospecimens at reasonable prices can do so by taking the following steps:

Research the HBS Supplier for Licensing and Accreditation

Researchers must always verify the supplier’s credibility, particularly when the products to be purchased are critical for their research. One example is the use of PBMC to study the immune-modulatory effects of food bioactive compounds. In this case, the customer must determine whether the provider is licensed and accredited to provide the specimen before purchasing it.

The provider must comply with laws and regulations governing all stages of their supply chain, from sourcing to distribution. The stringent evaluation also applies to the company’s partner donors. Depending on the country of operation, they must register with a relevant agency and meet specific industry standards, such as the GTP code and GMP regulations.

Check for Available Biospecimens

Having found the ideal HBS provider, visit the company’s official site and browse through the catalogue of specimens available for purchase. The best ones will have a wide variety of ethically sourced HBS (both fresh and cryopreserved) in large quantities. This way, researchers have enough material to meet their research needs.

A top-notch facility is also required to preserve specimens in their pristine state. Once a provider can meet this demand, quality becomes a unique selling point. But that’s not all. Make sure that the company offers convenient and timely distribution methods. They should have no problem supplying samples on-demand, without risking degradation.

Request a Quote

After reviewing all of the above, contact the provider to discuss how they can meet the research team’s needs. They should provide a detailed quote, indicating what is included, the cost of samples, and the delivery timeline.


The need for high-quality human biospecimens is growing, as researchers find novel applications for these products in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. As a result, HBS providers are in high demand. Although checking the credentials of these companies may appear time-consuming, it’s well worth the effort because it protects clients and the general public from the impact of substandard or non-certified human biologicmaterial. It begins with following the steps outlined in this guide.

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