A COVID-Free Round-Trip in Maryland: Top Three COVID-Free Pastimes

A COVID-Free Round-Trip in Maryland: Top Three COVID-Free Pastimes

Image by 1778011 from Pixabay

As the Covid-19 cases in Maryland are still rising, we still have to accustom to new ways of life. Working remotely from home and carrying other everyday tasks from the comfort of our couch are alternative ways to function Covid-free and help lower the number of Covid-positive cases. Luckily, we can pay our bills through mobile banking, order groceries or fast food online, and talk to loved ones via video calls through our smartphones. 

Living in a lockdown is not new. We first witnessed in 2020 during the first outbreak of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Therefore, coming up with alternative hobbies like playing casino games which boost enthusiasm, or tracking the latest NFL odds to bet on our favorite teams and players (which numerous football fans indulge in) became popular pastimes that we might resort to once again.

Indeed, we’ve been living in the pandemic for over two years now and know how to take our mobility to a minimum, but in-land round trips are still possible, and we’re here to tell you we can carry them out completely Covid-free. Since there will be a lot of mile-crossing, you might run out of ideas on what to do while you’re sitting at the back of the car, which is why we’ve composed a list of the top three Covid-free pastimes for you to have an exciting round-trip in Maryland. 

The top three Covid-free pastimes for a trip around Maryland 

For Maryland residents who want to travel inland due to the rising Covid-19 cases but stay Covid-free, here are the top three pastimes to carry out on your trip. As you will see, you won’t need complicated gadgets for these pastimes, just a smartphone (which you carry around in your pocket daily) and a decent camera, which may be a costly investment, but the pay-off is far more lucrative once we tell you what you can do with it.   

1. Chat with family and close friends

When you’re on a road trip, you’ll undoubtedly spend hours at the back of a car (unless you’re the one driving). In such a case, you’ll have a lot of free time at your disposal, so you might as well use it for heartwarming purposes. Take out your smartphone and ask your close friends and family members you don’t often see how they are doing. They will be thrilled to hear from you, and, in return, you will be delighted to hear the news they have to share to fill in all those gaps in your relationship that got made due to our busy lifestyles.  

2. Make regular stops and take pictures of Maryland’s beautiful sceneries

On a road trip, even in a land we know well, we just stare at the window and observe the scenery. Indeed, we find most of them breathtaking, but do we ever stop to take pictures? Not that often, right? We’re here to give you the motivation to change that. Making regular stops on your road trip to take pictures can create everlasting memories for you and your close ones. Taking a photo of that beautiful lake, mountain, or sunset, might just be an extraordinary picture you can frame and keep at home after you develop it.  

3. Play puzzle games on your smartphone

Have you ever considered broadening your skillset while traveling? Playing puzzle games might be the perfect way to go. The choice of online puzzle games is vast, and there’s almost an endless set of games you can play to boost your solving-problem skills. All you need is your smartphone and internet, and the rest will be a thrilling gaming experience. We can guarantee it.  

Closing remarks

As you can see, there still are Covid-free pastimes you can indulge in on your next road trip in Maryland. All you need is creativity, a camera, a smartphone, and goodwill. We hope you found our ideas useful and that you will implement them into your traveling plan the next time you decide to go on a road trip.