Mattresses Explained: Pros and Cons of Every Type of Mattresses

Mattresses Explained: Pros and Cons of Every Type of Mattresses

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

Shopping for a new mattress is a pretty exciting experience, especially if it’s been a while since you bought one. The mattress industry has come along in recent years, and innovations can now allow you to look for the product that will fit your specific sleeping needs. But it can be confusing to see which is best for you if you’ll only base it on personal experience.

There are different types of mattresses on the market that you can choose from. And you owe it to yourself to know how one mattress type differs from the other to see which is the best option for you! Listed below are the different types of mattresses and their respective pros and cons.

Mattress Types for Every Weight and Body Type

Your weight and body type are some of the most significant factors when shopping for a mattress. The same mattress will feel entirely different from a 120 lbs- and 5 ft. tall person compared to 250 lbs and 6 ft. tall. Below are some tips when choosing the best beds designed specifically for your body type:

  • For Heavy People

It is important to remember that the more you weigh, the softer the mattress that you need. You can try firm mattresses to avoid sinking when lying down. Or a memory foam mattress to avoid overheating, especially if you live in tropical areas.

  • For Lightweight People

For people who weigh less, you need a firmer mattress to support you. It will help if you choose soft to medium mattresses to get the specific contouring your body needs. You can try foam mattresses that have moderate-density foams.

  • For Average Weight People

If your weight is on the average side, you must think about what your body needs. Do you like it firm or soft? Contour or bounce? It will be best if you continually keep in mind to avoid mattresses that are too firm or too soft.

Innerspring Mattresses

Also known by consumers as coil mattresses (thanks to their structure), innerspring mattresses are made up of a steel coil support system. In principle, the greater the number of coils that an innerspring mattress has, the higher the comfort and quality that it gives. Know more about the several pros and cons of innerspring mattresses below:

  • Pros
  1. It is more familiar to consumers compared to any other type of mattress.
  2. Innerspring mattresses are one of the least expensive among the other types.
  3. The pushback from the coils provides excellent support.
  4. This type of mattress doesn’t trap much heat, making it more breathable to sleep on.
  • Cons
  1. Innersprings have a shorter lifespan because they wear out faster than the others.
  2. The longer you use an innerspring mattress, the noisier its coils get.
  3. Its coils do not fit in with the body well, causing more body aches and pains.
  4. As the coils are connected, you can feel any movement around the bed.

Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam mattresses are made up of polyurethane foam initially tailored by NASA for absorbing shock and making seats more comfortable to sit on during take-off and landing. It is incredibly receptive, sinking your heaviest points and providing the softest support. Learn about its pros and cons below:

  • Pros
  1. Compared to coil mattresses, memory foams are relatively quiet.
  2. The comfort memory foams provided are so popular that even shoes and chair cushions use them.
  3. This mattress follows your body’s unique shape that is excellent for properly aligning your spine.
  4. Memory foam mattresses isolate movement, which is excellent for people who love tossing around.
  • Cons
  1. As you sink into the foam, it gets hotter as you lie on it longer.
  2. It may be too soft for people who like to get more back support.
  3. After you bring home a memory foam mattress, it may release chemical odors, which can be unpleasant to breathe in.

Air Bed Mattresses

Air bed mattresses have a dedicated chamber where you can fill them in with adjustable air quantities. As you increase the quantity of air, you can boost its firmness. And by decreasing it, you can make your mattress softer. Below are the different pros and cons of using air bed mattresses:

  • Pros
  1. It is suitable for everyone to use as it can be customized to meet anyone’s specific needs.
  2. Air bed mattresses have a split type option where it has separate chambers that cater to an individual firmness or softness preference.
  3. Air bed mattresses are an excellent choice for injuries as one can change its pressure at any time.
  • Cons
  1. Air bed mattresses fall into the pricier type because of their adjustable air chambers.


With so many types of mattresses available, there will be one that is specifically tailored to your needs. Now that you know the several pros and cons of some of the most popular types of mattresses, you can use this new knowledge in narrowing down your options.

1 Comment

  1. Afton Jackson

    I really liked your description of the air bed mattress and how flexible it is. A lot of us in the family sleep on each other’s beds a lot as a weird habit of ours, and finding a mattress type that can suit all of us has been difficult so far. If an air bed type is the best for us, I’ll look for a mattress store that sells them right away.