Opinion: Consider Hogan for president; Martinez, Baker too

Opinion: Consider Hogan for president; Martinez, Baker too

Dear GOP Delegates,

When you get to Cleveland this summer and no one wins the nomination on the first ballot you will have a very important decision to make.

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will be the clear leaders in the delegate race, but neither man can be nominated. Cruz has become the face of the anti-Trump movement and Trump heads the anti-establishment movement. So Cruz and Trump represent the deep divide within the GOP. To nominate either would be to perpetuate the divide and make it nearly impossible for the party to unify. So you must pick someone entirely different. I have some suggestions.

It would be great to see a successful governor like John Kasich nominated, but I don’t think the party can look to any of the declared candidates from this cycle (a move that would require a change to current party rules – a change that is being considered).

Speaker Paul Ryan would make an excellent choice. He is the intellectual leader of the GOP. But in the end, I think you need to look to a governor. Hillary Clinton is beatable and a Republican with a good reputation and executive experience is an obvious choice to challenge her.

Three obvious candidates

There are three obvious candidates to consider: Susana Martinez of New Mexico, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, and Larry Hogan of Maryland.

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Susana Martinez

Martinez is a successful and popular governor of a swing state. As a former Democrat she’d appeal to moderate and independent voters. As a woman, she would cancel out Clinton’s cynical attempt to make gender a qualifying factor in the election. As a Latina, her nomination would do much to undo the tremendous damage done to the party image by Trump. But she also rescinded sanctuary status for illegal immigrants who commit crimes in her state which would appeal to Cruz and Trump supporters. Her Achilles heal is the weak job growth during her tenure. That would likely relegate her to the VP spot with Baker or Hogan.

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Charlie Baker

Baker and Hogan offer similar appeal. Both were successful businessmen (which should appeal to Trump supporters) and both won election in very blue states. Perhaps most surprising, given the political make up of their respective states, they are the two most popular governors in the country. Baker and Hogan are fiscal conservatives. Baker is a social liberal, which may anger evangelicals – but I think they’d accept anyone over Clinton.

Hogan has deftly avoided discussing social policies, but he could find success employing the same strategy he used to win in Maryland.

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Larry Hogan

On issues like same-sex marriage Hogan simply acknowledged that it was settled law and he wasn’t interested in relitigating the past. The Supreme Court has determined that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right – it is settled.

Hogan ran on a promise to bring better management skills and a more responsible budget to a state with chronic structural deficits. Hogan tackled the structural deficit and is now battling state Democrats over mandatory spending formulas that threaten the return of deficits.

Hogan is leading a discussion in Maryland that must be held at the national level as well. He’s provided record funding for education (which should win over moderates and independents), has avoided any hint of scandal, and the Maryland economy is doing quite well.

Baker and Hogan are both in their first terms and Hogan has not held elective office before – but the success of Trump and Cruz makes clear that experience in elective office is no virtue this cycle. Neither man is part of the Washington establishment – which is a virtue this cycle.

So there you have it – three solid options to consider in Cleveland. A ticket the included Martinez and either Hogan or Baker would make for a strong challenge to Clinton. Much stronger than any ticket that included Trump or Cruz.

–Todd Eberly

Political Science Chair, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

[email protected]


About The Author

Todd Eberly

[email protected]

Todd is a Reporter, If you have additional questions or comments contact Todd at: [email protected]


  1. Eideard

    The appeal to ignorance is only funny. The populist pap in comments is sufficiently absurd to be certifiable.

  2. tech505guy

    You need to listen to a drunk Martinez bullying security officers at her Christmas party before saying she will be at the top of the GOP ticket. https://progressnownm.wordpress.com/2015/12/18/listen-susana-martinez-drunk-dialed-9-1-1-and-the-audio-is-amazing/

    Also, her top advisor was investigated by the FBI and was almost charged.


    I doubt anyone will pick her for a spot on the ticket.

  3. citizensadvocate

    Political science professors will never understand why Donald Trump will be elected president, Hillary Clinton will be indicted, Ted Cruz will be appointed attorney general, and Bernie Sanders will give TED talks and symposia keynotes for collegiates. Politically, Maryland is a bedroom Bantustan for federal workers that is otherwise irrelevant in national politics. That it is a pretty and convenient Bantustan is also irrelevant.