Supporting news coverage at State House: We’ll drink to that

Supporting news coverage at State House: We’ll drink to that

Here are photos of some of the more than 100 people who attended’s happy hour fundraiser at Harry Browne’s Thursday night.

A full list of 2015 contributors to this nonprofit news website is at the bottom of the photos. Gov. Larry Hogan, above, was a guest bartender. Photos by Rebecca Lessner for

Schuh Pitcher Pettingill

Anne Arundel County Executive Steve Schuh, lobbyist Julia Pitcher Worcester, real estate broker Dick Pettingill.

Yatsuk Robinson neill

From left: Legislative aide Debbie Yatsuk, Charles Robinson of Maryland Public Television, and legislative aide Erin Neill.

Kelley Sarai Gray Rachel Lazarick Kevin

The Lazarick family, from left: nurse practitioner Maureen Kelley, teacher Sarai Gray, teacher Rachel Lazarick, consultant Kevin Ward.

Schwartz Metz Misty Raj Williams

Clockwise from left: lobbyist Jay Schwartz, Misty Wray, lobbyist Pam Metz Kasemeyer, environmental consultant Raj Williams and Christine Krone.

Bill Pitcher Marina Hardy Brad Rifkin

From left: William Pitcher, Marina Hardy, and Brad Rifkin

Esty Weller

AFSCME’s Cindy Smalls and Sue Esty, and Sue Weller, president of the Maryland State Education Association.

Kerry Watson Hannah Gargiola Moira Moynihan Alexander Cleaver

From the Alexander and Cleaver firm: from left, Kerry Watson, Hannah Garagiola, Moira Moynihan.

Hogan rolls up sleeves Lazarick

Gov. Larry Hogan talks to’s Len Lazarick as he rolls up his sleeves and prepares to get behind the bar.

Johnny Wood Peter Franchot

Comptroller Peter Franchot, right, talks to former Delegate Johnny Wood.

Jessica Cooper Tommy Tompsett

Jessica Cooper of the National Federation of Independent Business and Tommy Tompsett.










Wineholt Kathy Macgruder Sandy Schrader

Ron Wineholt of AOBA, Kathy Magruder of the Maryland Clean Energy Center, and former Senator Sandy Schrader.

Hogan Vatz

Towson University professor Rick Vatz talks to Gov. Larry Hogan.

Dori Flynn Rebecca Wilson Bob Flanagan

Dorie Flynn of the Non-Public Special Education Schools Association, Rebecca Wilson of Save Our Votes, and Delegate Bob Flanagan.

Erin Montgomery Steve Hershey John Fiastro

Hogan press secretary Erin Montgomery, Senate Minority Whip Steve Hershey and his chief of staff, John Fiastro.

The Mikulis Family
Steve Geimann of Bloomberg News
Rifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver
William Collet
Gerry Evans
Alexander & Cleaver
Greater Baltimore Committee

Host Committee
Manis Canning & Associates
Senator & Mrs. Marty Madden
Michael & Joanne Davis
Clai Carr
Group Benefit Services, Inc.
Maryland Multi-Housing Assn
Schwartz, Metz & Wise
Harris Jones & Malone
Ellen Valentino
Perry White Ross & Jacobson
Dr. Richard Vatz
Damian O’Doherty
Jeff Troll of Pinnacle Advisory
Dan Gainor
David Albert
The Hon. Jeffrie Zellmer
Dennis & Sandy Schrader
C. Vernon Gray
Delegate Johnny Wood
Strategic Campaign Group
Steve & Lee Sachs
Maryland Petroleum Council
Richard Johnson
Washington Gas
Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland
William Vaughan
Bill Kress
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Jewel Rucker
Delegate Chris West
Senator Frank Kelly
Jennifer Bevan-Dangle and Common Cause Maryland
2015 Contributors

Association of American Pilots
Alice l. Altstatt
Ann Ciekot
Bill Graeff
Bob Flanagan
Bob Johnston
Bonnie Jones
Carissa Ralbovsky
Charles Robinson
Charles Thomas
Chris Costello
Claire Merrick
Courtney Block
David Brown
David Nemazie
David Owens
David Soule
Diana Philip
Dick Johnson
Dick Pettingill
Dick Story
Dorie Flynn
Elizabeth Carven
Emily Hollis
Erika Jones
Ethel Hill
Glynis Kazanjian
Harry Novak
Henry Fawell
Holly Joseph
Ian Sims
Ice Planter
Jack Andryszak
James Burton
James Tarlau
James Williamson
Jamie McGuirk
Jean Moon
Jeff Troll
Jeffrey Schiz
Jim Beauchamp
Jim Happel
Joe Willmott
Johanne Greer
John Bernhardt
Karl Pfrommer
Kathy O’Donovan
Kent Krabbe
Kevin Ward
Linda Pohuski
Lou Campion
Marc Korman
Mark Smith
Mark Yost
Michael Hethmon
Mike Galiazzo
Miranda Bond
Misty Wray
Nancy & Henry Yee
O. James Lighthizer
Peter Brunner
Philip Grantham
Rajeshwari Williams
Randolph May
Raymond Goodmuth
Richard Berman
Richard Johnson
Rosa Mintz-Urquhart
Russell Gunter
Sharonlee Vogel
Shelley Tinney
Shelly Hettleman
Spear & Dee Lancaster
Stan Doore
Stephanie Barry
Tamara Shay
Tanzi Strafford
The Law Offices of William J. Pitcher
Theresa Goddard
Therese Yewell
Tim Robinson
Tommy Landers
Tracey Heibel
Vinny DeMarco
Virtually Everything, Inc.
William Schaub
William Tarr, Jr.
Bruce Myers
Richard Pettingill
John Fiastro
Mary Beth Carozza
Lou Davis
Grace Kubofcik
Jeffrey Hooke
Dave Collins
Betty & Alex Adams
Len Lucchi
Ruth Crystal

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.


  1. SgtStorm

    This blows my mind. Do these politicians, who STILL want to throw Marylanders in jail for marijuana, know how much more dangerous alcohol is compared to marijuana? And they’re SO concerned about “the children” when continuing marijuana prohibition in this state. “What message would it send?” And look at them all getting drunk and smiling at the cameras with their wine and other booze. What complete hypocrisy …

    • SgtStorm

      I wonder how many attendees drove home with over-the-limit blood alcohol levels …

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