Committee approves 4% Maryland budget hike for next year

State House as sun setsThe General Assembly’s Spending Affordability Committee recommended Wednesday that next year’s state budget be allowed to grow by 4% and Maryland’s debt limit be allowed to increase $75 million to $1.16 billion next year.

The recommendations, which are not binding on the governor but are often followed, were approved by the joint committee of legislative and fiscal leaders on straight party-line votes. Republicans backed no increase in spending and no hike in the debt limit.

Sen. Richard Madaleno, a Montgomery County Democrat on the Budget & Taxation Committee, led the charge for higher spending, while Senate Minority Leader David Brinkley, a Frederick County Republican also on the budget committee, advocated for fiscal restraint.

Prudent, conservative

Four percent growth “is a prudent, conservative recommendation,” and lower than the amount of growth seen for the most of the 25 years before the 2008 recession began, said Madaleno.

Madaleno on gas tax

Sen. Richard Madaleno

“I think 4% is excessive, looking at the numbers,” said Sen. Joseph Getty, R-Carroll, who recently joined the budget committee.

Maryland’s overall budget this year, fiscal 2014, is about $37 billion; 4% growth would bring that to $38.5 billion.

A motion by Brinkley for no increase in the budget failed 17-5, as did a later motion to allow 1.9% growth in the budget, half of what Madaleno’s motion permitted.

Increase in bond funding, debt service

Madaleno also made a motion to add $75 million to the bond funding authority, as the O’Malley administration has requested, but not add another $300 million in debt in the following four years, as the administration had also sought. The motion passed 17-5.

The legislative staff had recommended no increase in debt at last month’s meeting of the spending affordability committee. The staff said this is one way to reduce debt service — payments of principal and interest on the state’s bonds — that will grow by 24% in those five years. It would be the largest increase in any budget category.

“We added $150 million last year,” pointed out Del. Addie Eckardt, R-Talbot, an Appropriations Committee Member.

“We want to protect the future governor from the additional burden of debt service,” said Getty. Gov. Martin O’Malley has a two-term limit, and a new governor will be elected next year.

Warren Deschenaux, the legislature’s fiscal chief, produced a chart showing structural deficits of over $300 million in the next two years.

–Len Lazarick

[email protected]

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.


  1. Francis D Orbin Jr.

    what part of printing worthless money dont they get..we want smaller gov. ..not socialism.

  2. joe

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Democratic controlled Maryland Legislature ignored the Spending Affordability Committee’s recommendations and reduced state spending and thus income taxes for FY 15?

    Throw out all the Democratic liberal left big spenders in the November 2014 elections!.Ha Ha, fat chance in the state of Maryland, as the electorate will only bitch abour taxes but reelect the same Democratic big spenders!
    Eventually, all the productive people will leave the state, then what?

    • John

      That would leave the poor and our dear government. Who do you think will have to pay all the taxes.Not the government. I am also leaving this state in 2014.

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