Before the crowds arrive, a supporter of traditional marriage has a message for First Lady Katie O'Malley.
Supporters of traditional marriage rallied in Annapolis on the evening before bills legalizing same-sex marriage are heard in the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. Duane Keenan was there and talked to some of those attending the event. Listen to his podcast here.
Let’s recall O’Malley! Instead of focusing on legalizing same-sex marriage, he should be looking at ways to cut spending and lower taxes. He should ask the Governor of Virginia for help.
IT wasnt many years ago when people black and white couldnt marry, or have a child togehter without breaking maryland law . Risk going to jail. And even have their child ,baby.. taken away from them and placed in social services as being unfit parents. There was a black man, who dared and his community, churches turned against him and the white woman the same. FEW IF ANY SAW ANYTHING CIVIL IN THEIR MARRIAGE.
their baby was finally returned after a few years. Today ,that child is a wonderful man who happens to live on my street. His parents still in love.
So many TODAY would still deny their love. Including the baptist church down the street who rallys against gay marriage.
Political Correct or more like political good time for the governor.
Dont let cowards that run our state ,poison a purely human issue.
Maybe you might know a child removed from love .
This legislation should not pass, period. No other comments necessary. Too much talk about it already. The marriage is defined between one man and one woman. Maybe we should change the definition of “Governor”!!!!!! Unions should be supported in as much as they have already been legalized. Nothing against serious, committed same sex couples. They are entitled to their protection, but it is not marriage.
A COWARD is someone who blindly follows the Pack, in this case the Political Correct Crowd, who lash out with the support of the Governor, the 1st Lady, and the Homosexual Lobby.
The Opposite of a Coward is the individual who adds his voice to say NO, to a situation he deplores. A person that stands up for his/her beliefs in spite of political correctness.
That person is a hero, not a Coward 1st Lady!