Month: December 2011

State Roundup, December 1, 2011

Prosecution rests in robocall trial; health agency hires consultant to clear up mess over unspent funds, promises to provide emergency money; gay marriage opponents band together; new law will increase family planning services; UM teams team up to save themselves; state No. 2 in food stamp fraud; some constituents want Arundel Councilman Jones to keep seat despite prison term; and few candidates file for Cecil County seats.

Health officials pledge to make up for budget blunder on disabilities aid

Health Department officials told a Senate committee Wednesday the department would immediately begin to provide emergency assistance to those in the top tier of the Developmental Disabilities Administration waiting list. The step is the first of four major steps outlined by the department to make up for a $34 million budget blunder that left thousands on the DDA waiting list without services for a period of at least two years.

New campaign finance website increases transparency

Campaign finance reports in Maryland are getting more transparent and easier to search with the new campaign finance website launched this week by the Maryland State Board of Elections. The new website, located at, upgrades and further automates reporting and disclosure of the money behind campaigns.