Month: December 2011

State Roundup, December 7, 2011

Ehrlich aide convicted in robocall-voter suppression case; Prince George’s exec gets seven years in corruption scandal; Washington County delegation hopes to lower corporate income tax; environmentalists hope for off-shore wind farm; gender identity protection could come up in 2012 session; Democratic govs re-elect O’Malley; and Montgomery Council tables teen curfew.

Black Caucus to submit legislative redistricting maps this week, seeking more black senators

The Legislative Black Caucus plans on submitting General Assembly redistricting maps to the Governor’s Redistricting Advisory Committee (GRAC) this week, saying black voters are under-represented in the legislature. “We can’t operate in the same way we’ve operated in the past because we’re going to run afoul of the Voting Rights Act,” said the Black Caucus Redistricting Committee chair, Del. Aisha Braveboy.

State Roundup, December 6, 2011

Constellation and Exelon offer concessions for merger, critics make a counter-offer; robocall case goes to jury; November take at the casinos drops; State Sen. Jacobs considers a run against U.S. Rep. Ruppersberger; Howard County passes gender identification protection bill; and Anne Arundel Council chair gavels down public comment.

Home-born baby boom causes concern

A dramatic rise in home births by unlicensed practitioners, as well as in the number of people requesting United States birth certificates for babies born that way, has led a state agency to issue a statement on health and safety guidelines for women wanting to deliver their children at home.

State Roundup, December 5, 2011

Audit find SHA concealed millions of unspent dollars, undocumented work; Ehrlich robocall case expected to go to jury today; Jack and Leslie Johnson to be sentenced this week; Prince George’s County Exec Rushern Baker looks back at first year in office during a difficult time; Frederick County residents seek election recall right; and Carroll County considers hiring Bruce Bereano.

State Roundup, December 2, 2011

Republican 6th District race goes wild with Mooney and Brinkley forming exploratory committees and Otis resigning from Bartlett’s office; Lt. Gov. Brown endorses Garagiola for the seat; Ehrlich takes the stand in robocall trial; redistricting hearing date set; Edwards endorsed; issues found at Department of the Environment.

Analysis: 6th District race looking like the Wild West

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett hasn’t announced his retirement yet, but other Republicans are sure acting like he’s going to.

His longtime chief of staff Bud Otis just quit after several weeks of testing the waters in the race. Wednesday evening, state GOP Chairman Alex Mooney filed an exploratory committee to look at replacing the congressman he once worked for. Sen. David Brinkley of Frederick quickly followed suit Thursday. And the federal judge handling the lawsuit challenging the whole redistricting plan is suggesting the court may need to change the primary election date.