Tag: tax reform
Sen. Feldman: Bill would establish commission to s...
By Bryan Renbaum | January 24, 2020 | General Assembly | 1 |
Sens. Van Hollen and Cardin call for a more equitable federal tax system
by Bryan Renbaum | June 14, 2021 | National Politics, News | 0 |
Maryland’s U.S. senators said changes should be made to the federal tax code so that wealthy Americans are not able to avoid paying their fair share of income taxes.
Read MoreSen. Feldman: Bill would establish commission to study Maryland’s tax code
by Bryan Renbaum | January 24, 2020 | General Assembly | 1 |
Sen. Brian Feldman, D-Montgomery, introduced a bill that is scheduled for a hearing next week, which calls to establish a commission to study Maryland’s tax code and make recommendations about how to make it more practical for the 21st century.
Read MoreMd. CEOs want to see state tax reform, spending efficiency
by Len Lazarick | September 4, 2013 | Governor, News, Taxes | 5 |
The CEOs of Maryland’s major businesses have found the “elephant in the room” that stands in the way of economic growth here: the state’s non-competitive tax structure, according to a new report from the Greater Baltimore Committee.
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