Tag: slot machines

State approves last-minute slots deal

A divided Board of Public Works approved a $49 million contract to buy and lease slot machines for a Cecil County facility scheduled to open late this year.

Comptroller Peter Franchot objected strenuously to the deal, which was submitted to the state spending panel late Tuesday. The deal will pay for 1,062 slot machines from six suppliers, and lasts nearly five years.

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$800 million slot machine contract delayed by BPW

The state put off approval Wednesday of an $800 million contract that would allow officials to begin ordering the 15,000 slot machines that could eventually be installed around Maryland.

The Board of Public Works delayed action on a contract that would authorize nine companies to compete when the state either buys or leases batches of slots, citing concerns about whether there had been proper review of the nearly $60 million the state would likely borrow to get the machines in the next two years.

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Board approves sale of Rosewood Center to Stevenson University

The Board of Public Works on Wednesday signed off on a transfer of the former Rosewood Center in Baltimore County to Stevenson University and on a controversial short-term financing contract, as well as approving about $9 million for Ocean City projects.

A divided board also approved a $21.5 million contract with GTECH Corp., which will pay the company to install a system to oversee Maryland’s slot machine gambling program.

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