Tag: Ron Wineholt

Reaction to Supreme Court decision on health care includes victory dances and calls for repeal

The torrent of comment on the Supreme Court decision to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act fell predictably along party and ideological lines: Democrats and progressives were exulting; Republicans and conservatives were disgusted, except for the ruling that the individual mandate was a tax. It will take several days to digest the full implications, but here are lightly edited versions of over two dozen Maryland reactions.

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Delegates still skeptical of combined reporting for corporate taxes

Although many economists, experts, unions and small businesses urged the House Ways and Means Committee to institute combined reporting for more equitable corporate taxes, delegates seemed skeptical of the taxation method. Combined reporting is a complicated method of calculating corporate taxes based on how much companies make in all states where they are located, not where they are headquartered. It would shift businesses’ tax liabilities because of the new way income would be measured.

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