Tag: Rick Perry

Texas Gov. Rick Perry lures businesses from Maryland, takes shot at Gov. O’Malley

Maryland is the latest target of Texas Gov. Rick Perry in a new radio spot that criticizes Gov. Martin O’Malley and the state’s high taxes. Perry knocks Maryland for high taxes on businesses and families, comparing it to his state’s low taxes, “fair” legal system and limited government, in a commercial from Texas Wide Open for Business, part of the Texas Economic Development Division within the Office of the Governor.

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O’Malley criticizes Wisconsin Gov. Walker and spars with Texas Gov. Perry

Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to eradicate union employees’ bargaining rights a “drama” and a “circus” during a panel discussion hosted by Politico Friday. O’Malley said he learned as mayor of Baltimore: “When you’re facing tough challenges, when you have to overcome things like the imbalances in the pension system, I think it best when you bring people together to do that, and I think when you try to vilify or make one side of the equation the enemy I think you’re asking for trouble.

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