Tag: Paul Ryan

Rep. Paul Ryan serves up red meat for GOP dinner

The juicy red meat of the steaks on the dinner plates was matched by the red meat politics Rep. Paul Ryan dished out to 400 Republican Party faithful at the Maryland GOP’s annual Red, White & Blue dinner Thursday night at Baltimore’s Renaissance Hotel. Ryan, last year’s Republican nominee for vice president, urged the GOP in Maryland to follow Wisconsin’s example, and overthrow Democratic dominance of state government as his home state did when it elected Scott Walker governor in 2010.

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Fighting Irish: O’Malley, McDonnell, Biden, Ryan and Hogan

The Irish were at it again on Sunday morning: Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, liberal Democrat, sparring on Meet the Press with Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, conservative Republican. Both chair their party’s governors association.

O’Malley was defending Vice President Joe Biden of the loose lips and McDonnell took up for the Republican vice presidential nominee designee, Rep. Paul Ryan of the tight budget.

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