Tag: OpenGov Foundation
Marylanders unhappy with information flow on laws, regs, taxes
by Len Lazarick | August 15, 2013 | News | 3 |
Two thirds of voters are not satisfied with the information they get about Maryland laws, regulations and taxes, according to the results of a mobile phone survey being released Thursday by the OpenGov Foundation. The foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused on using technology to make public information more accessible, also found that 78% of Maryland voters want advance notification about Maryland policies that will impact them.
Read MoreFoundation aims to improve Maryland legislative website
by Len Lazarick | May 23, 2013 | News | 5 |
To better understand the state’s challenges to political transparency, the OpenGov Foundation and MarylandReporter.com teamed up to lead a small focus group last Thursday to analyze the access point to all of Maryland’s State House information — the state legislative website. The conclusion? Transparency in Maryland has a long way to go.
Read MoreMaryland legal code gets user-friendly online makeover
by Len Lazarick | May 9, 2013 | News | 5 |
The OpenGov Foundation just released MarylandCode.org, a user-friendly, searchable and downloadable publication of the Maryland Code of law. The project unpacks the dense, inaccessible code on the state website and encourages citizen participation through transparency. “The state site is a good start, but it’s not intuitive, and it’s locked in PDF so you can’t do anything with the data,” explained OpenGov’s Seamus Kraft. “We spent the last six to eight weeks really reworking the Maryland code data into a form that is useful to both coders and everyday people.”
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