Tag: Michael Enright
Bipartisan group seeks collective compromise to ‘fix the debt’
by Len Lazarick | November 20, 2012 | Governor, News | 2 |
A bi-partisan group called “Fix the Debt” has been set up to urge members of Congress to “compromise” and come up with “a grand bargain” that will avoid driving over the “fiscal cliff” of massive tax hikes and budget cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. The goal is “comprehensive and long-term solution to the debt problem,” said Michael Enright, former chief of staff of Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley. “The math involved in this is inescapable” and “it will involve pain and sacrifice for all of us.” “Everyone’s going to have to give a little bit,” said Chip DiPaula, former chief of staff for Republican Gov. Bob Ehrlich.
Read MoreNew solar farm will double solar energy on the grid, but return no cash to Maryland
by Len Lazarick | July 28, 2011 | News | 1 |
Despite being a fan of renewable energy and jobs for western Maryland, Comptroller Peter Franchot voted against a long-term lease for the state’s largest solar energy farm at the Board of Public Works on Wednesday.
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