Tag: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Year after year, health department fails to inspec...
By Len Lazarick | July 9, 2014 | News | 1 |
Health Department official expresses concern over changes to legislation involving composition of maternal mortality board
by Bryan Renbaum | February 11, 2020 | General Assembly | 0 |
The Maternal Mortality Stakeholder Review Group amendment would mandate that membership of the committee includes women who have nearly died giving birth and family members of women who have died or nearly died giving birth. The amendment also would require that the majority of members consists of people from community organizations that specialize in maternal health. But the deputy director of government affairs at the Maryland Department of Health told the House Public Health and Minority Health Disparities subcommittee on Tuesday that the proposed changes “will make it difficult for us to fill the stakeholder group.”
Read MoreYear after year, health department fails to inspect more than half of assisted living facilities
by Len Lazarick | July 9, 2014 | News | 1 |
There are over 1,300 licensed assisted living facilities in Maryland caring for thousands of residents not quite able to care for themselves. But year after year over the past decade the state health department has failed to do annual inspections for a majority of them.
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