Tag: Marvin Mandel

Rascovar on Mandel Part 1: Marvin the Magician

Simply put, Marvin Mandel — who was laid to rest last week at age 95 — ranks as the greatest and most effective Maryland governor of the 20th century. Only Gov. Albert C. Ritchie (1920-35) comes close to matching Mandel as a government reformer. But Mandel was far more ambitious in his efforts to improve society, expand the reach of government and anticipate future trends.

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Big Spenders: Who’s the biggest of them all?

The fete for former Gov. Marvin Mandel’s 90th birthday was like “Jurassic Park,” columnist Blair Lee IV quipped to me last week.

The political dinosaurs roamed the University of Maryland’s alumni center in College Park, and there was lots of reminiscing about the good old days.

“Marvin Mandel is the best governor I have seen,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer, who was the youngest Senate president in Maryland history when Mandel reigned upstairs at the State House. “His vision was so clear. His vision was ahead of his time.”

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Mandel at 90: Being governor today is harder

Being governor today is a lot more difficult than it was when he had the job in the 1970s, as Marvin Mandel tells it.

But the government, at both federal and state levels, has also grown too large and taxes are too high. Those were some of the observations Mandel offered in a 90-minute interview two days after his 90th birthday last month, in the Annapolis law office where he said he still works five days a week.

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