Tag: John Kasich
Vatz on the GOP debate: Can Rubio’s strong performance make a difference in the race?
by Maryland Reporter | March 10, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 |
In Thursday’s CNN Republican debate, the major suspense appeared to be as follows: whether the Republicans were going to opt for Ted Cruz and deny the nomination to the holder of a plurality of delegates, Donald Trump, risking losing his supporters and/or his running as an independent, writes Rick Vatz in MarylandReporter.com
Read MoreReal GOP debate: Focus on issues unimpeded by moderator excess
by Maryland Reporter | November 10, 2015 | Commentary | 0 |
What a difference a new debate panel of questioners makes, writes Rick Vatz. Tuesday night’s debate was everything the now infamous CNBC was not: it was well moderated; it comprised critical issues; and there were not the conflicting dramas of tension among the candidates and tension with the moderators. And repeatedly, clear policy recommendations and clashes were articulately, if not eloquently, argued.
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