Tag: Joe Getty

Hogan’s honeymoon with legislature is over, Senate GOP leader says, but House speaker disagrees

“The honeymoon is over” at the State House, Senate Republican Leader J.B. Jennings told an audience of county officials Friday. “This session is not going to be the lovefest we had last year.” House Speaker Michael Busch, a Democrat, disagreed with Jennings assessment that there won’t be another love fest. “I don’t know why not,” Busch said. “Hopefully we’ll be able to work together with the governor to come up with the best solutions for the people of Maryland.”

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Hogan wants more openness, more names in filling legislative seats

In filling the three legislative vacancies he has created in building his new administration, Gov.-elect Larry Hogan said he’d like to see a more open nominating process used by the Republican central committees and more candidate names for him to fill the seats. Hogan told reporters: “We’d like to encourage them to make the process more transparent.”

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Budget problems even bigger than expected, Hogan says; more of transition team announced

Confronted with projections of state deficits far into the future, incoming Gov.-Elect Larry Hogan admitted Monday “quite frankly even I am surprised at the magnitude of the problem, and the task ahead of us is vast.”

Last Wednesday, the legislature’s budget analysts told lawmakers that there was already a $300 million deficit in the current budget, and another $600 million shortfall in fiscal 2016.

“The problem seems even greater than we expected it to be,” Hogan told reporters as he announced new members of his transition team.

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