Tag: hotel tax
Hogan still debating hotel tax
By Maryland Reporter | April 23, 2015 | News, Taxes | 2 |
Maryland legislature considered many tax increases
By Maryland Reporter | April 21, 2015 | News, Taxes | 3 |
Maryland lawmakers override 5 of Hogan’s vetoes; Senate delays on felon voting rights
by Capital News Service | January 21, 2016 | General Assembly, News | 7 |
Despite impassioned speeches from Republicans, the Democrat-controlled Maryland Senate voted Thursday to override three of Gov. Larry Hogan’s vetoes from last session, and decided to postpone voting on a fourth.
Read MoreHogan still debating hotel tax
by Maryland Reporter | April 23, 2015 | News, Taxes | 2 |
Gov. Larry Hogan is now wrestling with the issue many legislators debated this session: are online travel agents paying the full sales-tax owed to Maryland?
Read MoreMaryland legislature considered many tax increases
by Maryland Reporter | April 21, 2015 | News, Taxes | 3 |
Gov. Larry Hogan and even the Democratic leadership were crowing that they passed a balanced budget with no new taxes. But that wasn’t for lack of trying by some legislators.
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