Tag: hospitals
Debate continues over creating no-fault birth injury fund
by Maryland Reporter | February 15, 2016 | General Assembly | 0 |
A state-created task force has again called for the creation of a fund that would provide lifetime care needs to babies suffering from birth-related neurological injuries. This is the third time in three years that the task force has pushed for the passage of HB 377. The controversial no-fault birth injury fund, modeled after those in Florida and Virginia, would compensate families of babies with these injuries and allow them to forego the need for litigation. The sponsor of the bill, HB 377, Del. Dan Morhaim, a Baltimore County Democrat, believes Maryland can learn from those states.
Read MoreMd. officials still negotiating with feds to retain Medicare waiver worth billions
by Len Lazarick | January 23, 2013 | News | 2 |
Maryland health agencies are continuing to negotiate with federal Medicare to avoid losing up to $2 billion in federal health care dollars. After months of tense dialogue, Maryland officials believe that they are making progress.
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