Tag: driving
5 Tips for Driving Safe
by admin | August 11, 2020 | Sponsored Content | 0 |
While many of us have plenty of experience driving a car, it’s not uncommon to see someone driving recklessly on the roads. Driving is a privilege, yet is a privilege that requires responsibility, quick-thinking, and caution to continue enjoying it.
Read MoreDriving down in Md. and across nation; group asks for more transit spending
by Len Lazarick | August 30, 2013 | News, Taxes | 5 |
Marylanders drove their vehicles 4% fewer miles from 2005 to 2011, mirroring a general driving decline across the country, according to a report released Thursday by the Maryland PIRG Foundation. From the data, PIRG drew the conclusion that less money should be spent on roads and more on mass transit.
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