Tag: Del. Alfred C. Carr

State Roundup, February 3, 2020

Baltimore city officials push lawmakers for more aid, cooperation in reducing violent crime; aid in dying advocates continue to push bill; while Baltimore County lawmakers praise the Pimlico-Laurel racetrack plan, they ponder future of State Fairgrounds in Timonium; bills would strengthen state’s public records laws; lawmakers seeks to reduce late fees for toll payments; Tuesday is Special Primary Day for the 7th District Congressional race to fill the late U.S. Rep. Cummings’ term, and the Baltimore Sun editorial board backs state Sen. Jill Carter in the Democratic Primary and community activist Reba Hawkins in the Republican Primary; back in Annapolis: Republican lawmakers put forward bill on what can be labeled ‘meat;’ Baltimore County government hasn’t recycled glass in years; and Howard County has significant health disparities that exist along racial lines.

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