Tag: budget deficit

Researcher says Maryland used ‘gimmickry’ to balance budget

ARLINGTON, Va. — While Maryland lawmakers seemingly balanced the state budget last year, it’s actually teetering atop unstable revenues, some experts say.

Speaking at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center on Tuesday, researcher Eileen Norcross said that Maryland and other states are using budget-balancing tactics that amount to no more than “gimmickry” and will leave them worse off in the long run.

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Exclusive poll: Voters favor combination of tax hikes and budget cuts to solve budget deficits

Almost half of Maryland voters favor a combination of tax hikes and budget cuts to solve the $6 billion in budget deficits the state faces in the coming four years, according to an exclusive poll done last week for MarylandReporter.com.

The voters polled by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies as part of a larger survey prefer the combination of taxes and cuts by a wide margin over four other budget options. The least popular choices were reducing state aid to counties and tax increases by themselves. Less than 10% of survey respondents favored cutting salaries and pensions benefits to state workers as a potential budget solution, and fewer than one in five said budget cuts alone would do the trick.

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