Tag: Ben Grumbles

Gov. Hogan takes ‘no position’ on Curtis Bay incinerator

Asked about the long-smoldering fight over a 160-megawatt trash incinerator proposed in south Baltimore, Gov. Larry Hogan said at a forum Wednesday that he has “no position on it because I don’t have the facts.” The woman who asked the question found Hogan’s reply “infuriating,” even though he promised to have his staff meet with her and the group opposing the incinerator. “We’ve been fighting this proposal for four years,” she said. But Hogan’s environment secretary knew a lot about the project.

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Private sector experience a key quality of Hogan cabinet picks

In introducing his nominees for another six cabinet posts Tuesday, Gov.-elect Larry Hogan Jr. emphasized again that they were “talented, diverse and bipartisan.” But in addition to some government experience relevant to their new jobs — often in the Ehrlich administration that Hogan served as well — the governor-elect would always point out another quality the appointees had in common — private sector experience.

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